Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Learning How to Learn

We talk about motivation and its connection to student learning; let's extend this thought to discuss how we learn and more importantly, how our students learn.  Below is a link to a short article regarding how students learn and how we can assist in the process.

Be ready to set high expectations for students immediately when they enter the building Monday.  Following the break, we need to be clear and specific with what students are expected to learn and what they are expected to do.  How will they demonstrate their learning?  How will the class show leadership.  Below is a quick refresher for classroom management.

...And a novel approach to consider ....

Managing Transitions

Faculty Meeting

1.  Engaging in productive struggle... (15 minutes) -- view and discuss

2.   Committees:  form groups; look at group goals, decide on a chair person responsible for submitting reports to SBDM.

3. Committee activities:

Parent and Community Involvement:  Literacy & Math Night, Science Fair, Muffins w/Mom, Donuts w/ Dad, Newsletter, etc.

Instructional Leadership:  Current structure and incorporating new members -- how do we move forward as a collective -- deeper learning

Magnet:  Towards a cohesive program that provides multiple opportunities for access, exposure and development of student talents.  Logistics -- plan for implementation....deeper learning

PBIS:  Meeting schedule, next level of PBIS -- video expectations, everyone on one accord

Continuous Improvement:  CSIP, budgets, resources, continuous growth

Coming Up:

Flash Dads is Wednesday, November 29th, from 8:00 - 9:00 AM.  We are working in collaboration with the Department of Diversity, Equity, & Poverty to bring Flash Dads to King.  We are expecting nearly 100 male volunteers to converge at King and greet students as they arrive from the bus, car rider and walker area.  Our guests will be here beginning at 8:00 AM for refreshments and introductions and then greet students beginning at 8:30.   I would absolutely love for as many staff members as possible to be here at 8:00 to greet our guests.

Also, please be sure to check the living calendar, daily updates, and use the announcement form for any announcements you may have -- especially to shout out student and staff leaders.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Gratitude and Rest

With the Thanksgiving holiday upon us, I want to take a moment and express my gratitude and say thank you to all who make this building a school.  It takes each of us to impact the lives of our students and families.  I appreciate your strong attendance, willingness to accept additional students into your room, welcoming new students to the building, treating each other as professionals, and setting a high standard for teaching and learning with yourself and our students.  

Over this break, take time for you and do something you have been meaning to do and have put off.  It is crucial that we all regroup and refresh ourselves so that we are ready for students following the break.  Get some rest, you deserve the best and all great things start with peacefulness.

There is no faculty meeting this week, but take a few minutes to read and article, watch a video, have a conversation, read a book, or reorganize your thinking moving forward.  We must have a high standard for teaching and learning and I insist you prepare yourself to be great!

Have a productive two days and enjoy your Thanksgiving break.  I love you all.

Stephanie White

  • Progress reports from IC and MAP reports (in your mailboxes) go home today in Monday folders
  • Today is make-up picture day -- see email from Mays for those who were absent on picture day and we will also take pictures of students new to King.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Monitoring Student Learning and Results

Formative Assessment is what we call Assessment FOR Learning.  Check out the video below for tips and strategies.

As we continue to work with students...

  1. Be clear on your expectation for learning -- does your learning target address the skill and concept students will learn & practice?
  2. Does the student engagement activity you have created for learning specifically address the learning target for the day?
  3. Do you have an exemplar to show students your expectations for quality?
  4. Teach the vocabulary, use language from the text and language they will see on the assessment.
  5. What clear criteria are you using to evaluate student work?  How will you know if they have met the learning target?
  6. Following the evaluation of your exit slip, how will you adjust tomorrow's learning activities?


 Systems Check

Grading -- I placed the King Grading System sheet in everyone's mailbox last week.  As you are recording grades in preparation for progress reports (11/20), pay attention to the number of grades in each category.  All three categories must be used -- student engagement, progression towards standards, and mastery of standards.

Review hallway expectations with students, especially for dismissal.  The back stairwell must be a safe and orderly environment.  Remember, the first bell is for first and second floor classrooms.  The second bell is for third floor classrooms.  We cannot have students unsupervised, this is unsafe.  This is still part of the school day, please ensure you are meeting the expectation of active supervision in addition to arriving at your before or after school duty on time.

Faculty Meeting Agenda

  1. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports -- Please complete the survey   (15 minutes)

2.         Grade collaboration for ECE and ELL students

3.         District Common Assessments (old proficiency) follow up and calendar for administering assessments.


  • Planning math lessons using the Classroom Instructional Framework
  • Lesson Analysis Sheets from math Topic Assessments
  • Ensure you all update the grade level PLC minutes and calendars each week -- right side of blog

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Daily Formative Checks (Assessment FOR Learning)

Each day, you prepare learning activities for students based on curriculum standards and daily learning targets.  During PLCs last week, it seems there may be confusion on what exactly the daily formative check should be and the purpose for its inclusion as part of learning routines.

To provide a cohesive structure, utilize the Classroom Instructional Framework to guide your lesson planning and learning activities for each content area.  We have no time to waste, we must be purposeful.

Entering Activities  -- The time at the beginning of the class/lesson designed for independently focused work decided on by the teacher (skill practice, review of yesterday's concept)

Anticipatory Set -- Teacher sets the stage for learning -OBJECTIVE - What will each student know and be able to do as a result of the lesson?

Teaching/Learning (interactive instruction) -- Teacher introduces students to new knowledge, processes, or skills - models what's expected, and determines student understanding

Guided Practice -- Students practice the new concept, idea, skill, etc. and show the teacher they understand what was taught.

Closure (exit slip) -- Teacher revisits the objective/learning target, checks for understanding and intentionally connects homework to the objective.  Provide an exit slip for students to complete (one-minute summary, question, journal writing, identifying similarities and differences)

Independent Practice -- Students engage in independent practice to reinforce skills and knowledge (this is also when you can work with a small group of students who still need assistance)

This week in PLC, please ensure you are prepared with the following:

  • Each teacher should bring their exit slip from their previous lesson (Wednesday). 
  • Teachers will also need to bring their Envisions Teacher Manual for whatever lesson they are on.
  • Be prepared to discuss the purpose of an exit slip and formative assessment and how it will inform your instruction for the following day.

Faculty Meeting 11/7/2017

  1. Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports -- Please complete the survey
  2. Sense of Urgency
  3. District Common Assessments (proficiency 1)
  4. Using Rubrics
  5. JCPS Gives Campaign (November 1st-24th)
  6. Progress Reports 11/20
  7. Reading strategies for boys

DazJai is a Superkid! (click words)

Parks is an author!