Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Moving Into 2018

Preparing for the second half of the school year, this posting will detail items for your information and planning.

Gold Day -- January 2, 2017 

The agenda is attached for your review.  We will begin in the library promptly at 9:00 AM.  Please bring your laptop, guided reading data, relevant MAP reading data, and Journeys materials to plan for one of your guided reading groups.  Prior to Gold Day, please review the video below as Jan Richardson discusses guided reading and her video series for effectively teaching guided reading groups.

Team Planning on Gold Day

  • During your three hours of team planning (cycle 3), be sure to update the PLC calendar (listed under teacher resources) for your grade level with standards and dates for common formative assessments.
  • The next three hour team planning (cycle 4) will take place February 28th, March 1st, and March 2nd.
  • FYI:  The winter MAP window is January 8-February 28th.  ACCESS testing for ELL students will take place during the month of January as well.

Report Cards and Grading

  • The grading window will be open January 2, 2018 in Infinite Campus.  The window will close on January 8th.  
  • Printed copies of report cards are due to White January 9th and report cards go home with students January 11th.
  • Be mindful of grading procedures and the number of grades in each category.

School-Wide Spelling Bee

  • Every homeroom teacher will conduct a classroom spelling bee by January 8th.  Each teacher will submit the name of the class winner to Mrs. Stith by the end of the day January 8th.  The school-wide spelling bee will be held on January 12th @ 1:00 PM.  Parents will be invited.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Two Days of Instruction

Over the next two days, hold tight to instructional practices and maintaining high expectations for teaching, learning, and behavior.  I know it's rough that we come back for two days, but use the time to push student learning.

  • Introduce several books students could read over the break.  Give students a reading log to track their reading and extend their learning.  Offer an incentive towards their grades when logs are completed.  This also prepares students moving forward to read and track their progress.
  • Provide practice worksheets, use pages from old workbooks, and ensure each student has their login information for technology programs such as iRead, Study Island, Prodigy, and Reflex Math.  Challenge students to meet and exceed goals set in class or set individual goals with them.  
  • This is an awesome time for goal setting!  Take opportunities to conference with students and discuss their current progress and what is needed for their growth.  Provide some extra credit work or a project to boost student performance and engage them in learning while at home.
  • It doesn't hurt to add time for technology learning as well -- iRead for 30 minutes instead of 20, every student scheduled for time on Study Island (30 minutes) aligned to MAP results.

PBIS Survey-- reviewing the data

  • According to our SRT school-wide survey data (you took the survey a month ago), the statement,"Booster training activities for students are developed, modified, & conducted based on school data," was rated by staff as 37% in place, 56% partially in place, and 7% not in place.
    • Booster training activities include the following that takes place in your classroom and school-wide.  
      • In your classroom -- this includes, but is not limited to-- teaching the Second Step curriculum with fidelity, reviewing school-wide ROARS & classroom expectations, reviewing weekly SRT data that is posted on this blog site, reviewing your Class Dojo data and reviewing the trends for color changes (behavior) in your classroom and using this data to increase student engagement and on-task behavior in your room.
      • School-wide -- this includes but is not limited to--- reviewing weekly SRT numbers, referrals (ABC forms), bus referrals, and transition data, as well as, supporting students and instruction in the classroom.  
      • Tier 3 behavior students -- Based on data for individual students who have been identified as consistently displaying inappropriate behavior -- these students receive additional support through counseling (third party agencies and Luney) and direct social skills instruction (from ECE resource teachers and Dr. Parks).
    • Booster training activities are ongoing as professionals, we set the tone for the learning environment at King.  We will continue to strengthen our use of data to create and uphold a safe and positive culture for all.
Have a great week, no faculty meeting...

Monday, December 11, 2017

Writing and Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Just a couple of reminders...
  • This week students will complete informational writing pieces.  This is the time for students to make adjustments based on teacher feedback.  Consider mini lessons to review chunks of student writing -- lead, evidence/examples, transitions, and conclusions to move groups of students through the revision process. Please be mindful to have students use the writing rubric (see notebook) to review their work and ensure they have all the components in place and have edited their work.  Writing pieces should be complete by Friday, December 15th.

  • We have MTSS meetings this week, please compile, summarize and graph your data for students for whom you have been providing interventions.  Be sure to have your information organized and ready for your meeting.  You should bring information to support students who have academic and/or behavior concerns.
  • As the winter break gets closer and we begin to celebrate, remember that for some students and staff, this is a stressful time of year.  Bring a little extra patience to work with you daily.
  • No faculty meeting this week or next week 
  • Last, please check the daily updates and living calendar.  Have a wonderful and productive work week.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Systems Check

Each day, the following should be observable in your classrooms.  Please take time to do a systems check to make sure you have met this expectation, these are non-negotiables.

  • Posted daily learning targets in student-friendly language.
  • Evidence of teaching using the Classroom Instructional Framework
    • For example: During math instruction, teachers would use a Math Framework, which would includes:
      • Whole Group Instruction ( Warm Up/ Solve & Share)
      • I DO  (Explicit instruction that includes visual learning, modeling)
      • WE DO ( includes Guided Practice, use of manipulatives)
      • YOU DO ( Independent Practice and Formative Assessment /Exit Slip) 
  • Your lesson plans out on your desk to be viewed during walk-throughs or observations
  • Your grades should be updated in Infinite Campus at least every three weeks.  Additionally, make sure you are utilizing all three categories of student engagement, progression towards the standard, and mastery of the standard.
  • SRT Calls and PBIS -- you must complete an A-B-C form when you've made an SRT call.
  • Please expect to see administrators completing walk-throughs and observations on-going.  You will receive feedback.

Faculty Meeting 

  • Teacher shares a strategy
  • Review student work from reading proficiency assessment -- bring results to faculty meeting, including short answer/extended response answers & rubric.
  • Short meeting with peer observers with White


  • Please ensure you check the living calendar, and daily updates each morning.