Sunday, August 26, 2018

Getting Into School Shape

I don't know about you, but I realize I have to get back into 'school shape.'  Building stamina to work all day and navigate the hundreds of interactions you have each week with students, staff, parents, and your own friends and family has to be a concerted effort.  What plans have you made or will you make for self-care?

I appreciate how we all are starting the school year in a positive and collaborative manner.  As we continue to plan and work with all students, staff and families, remember we get what we give.  The partnerships we nurture are the ones that grow and have impact in the lives of students.

This week, please continue to implement universal screeners-- BRIGANCE and DRAs.  I will check in with each of you to assess your progress and find out if you need additional assistance.

Digital Backpack and Google

To be inclusive of our new staff, I will begin to include two of the backpack videos weekly so we all understand how the student digital backpack impacts teaching and learning.  Feel free to watch ahead, but I will include two per week on the blog.

There is also a JCPS Digital Backpack Training Channel.  The link is below...

Information on Google Level 1 Certification Cohorts

Student Movement

We will move students to balance classes and ensure students are in appropriate peer groups as outlined in our Total School Cluster Grouping model.  The plan is to start students in their new groups by Wednesday of this week.  Teachers will be provided letters to go home to parents regarding the class changes.

School Data

Based on walk throughs last week, 73% of classrooms had posted learning targets and aligned activities. Twenty percent of classrooms had learning targets consistently written in student agendas and 33% of classrooms had inconsistent implementation of learning targets written in agendas.  This is a school wide goal of 100%.  This allows all to know what's going on in classrooms, reinforces learning targets for students, and practices handwriting.  This week, let's strive for 100% implementation.

Faculty Meeting

Jr. Beta Club
Restraint and Seclusion


  • Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  
  • Dr. Parks added a link to a sub plan template to the blog, please be sure you have 3 days of meaningful sub plan lessons available in your classroom in the event of an unexpected absence.

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