Sunday, September 30, 2018

Planning for Success

Effective Lesson Planning-- The Key to Success

In data meetings, we discussed the Classroom Instructional Framework as a model for lesson planning.  I will email a template to everyone to use for daily lesson plans and evaluation.  Please use this as a tool to ensure all components are included in each lesson for maximum impact.

This Monday, we have MTSS meetings in 303 during grade level plan times.  Please be prepared with the following:
  • You have identified 3 students for reading, math, and behavior.  These students may overlap, so you may have between 3 and 9 students.  
  • Each student should have an intervention sheet (attached to email) that has universal screening data, other pertinent information, and intervention information you have implemented to support students thus far.
During the meeting, you will have assistance from resource staff to gain research based strategies to support students.

Progress Reports will go home Wednesday -- see Dr. White with any questions or concerns.

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates

Faculty Meeting Tuesday - Suicide Prevention and staff feedback

Please remember you must have 12 hours of professional development to be off this Friday, October 4th.  If you do not have 12 hours, you are required to attend professional development sessions Friday.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Checking Our Progress and Planning for Next Steps

Last week, students K-5 completed the first three week learning cycle check (common formative assessments) in addition to completing the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP).  Today in PLC you will discuss learning results with your team and make decisions about high leverage strategies to use for reteaching.  As we delve into our purposeful work with planning and assessment, understand the only wrong answer is to think our students are incapable of learning consistently at high levels.

PLCs will meet in room 303 today.  Please be prepared with the following: 

  • Your laptop
  • Your analyzed classroom data from the learning checks (math, reading, science, SS).  
  • You have a template to use to report your results (Learning Cycle Data Form) in your PLC folders - you should come to PLC with this completed
  • PLC protocol to record grade level results and next steps -- this form along with a low (not yet), medium (almost got it), high (got it)  student work sample from each subject (across the grade level) -- is to be turned into White by the end of the school day (printed copy w/ work samples)
  • ECE and ESL teachers are to turn in results based on each student on their caseload, by grade level, by standard.  I emailed you access to a document to record information this morning and it is due to White by the end of the day Tuesday to allow you time to gain appropriate info from grade level teams.
Today is picture day -- see email from Mays for the schedule.

This week is the fourth grade camping trip for ECHO, taking place Thursday and Friday.

We want to welcome Carol Cashen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School -- she will replace Felicia Duncan who recently accepted a guidance counselor position at Frayser Elementary School.  Congratulations Mrs. Duncan and welcome Carol Cashen!

Welcome Betty Phillips to our nutrition services team, she comes to us from Carter Elementary and will also start at King today.

Congratulations to Sheldon Nance -- he and his girlfriend welcomed a baby girl last week, Rhylie Rae'Shawn Nance.

Faculty Meeting will be a Google Classroom training -- learn how to make it happen.  Bring your laptops, ideas, and questions.

Student Led Conferences are coming up -- will send out information today to support the process.

Get students logged into their digital backpacks -- deadline is Wednesday.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Putting It All Together

This year has taken off quickly and I want to be sure no one is left behind.  First, our district is still working from Vision 2020, but the foci have been updated to reflect our current work and trajectory for increasing student learning.

We are operating from three  pillars that drive our work:  
1. Backpack of Skills  -- student digital portfolio that follows them from this year through 12th grade
2. Racial Equity -- commitment to racial equity for all students
3. Culture & Climate -- commitment to positive school culture conducive to learning at high levels

From these pillars, there are six systems that guide the work of schools:
1. Standards Implementation
2. Effective Use of Data
3. Instructional Planning and Practice for Deeper Learning
4. Progress Monitoring and Analysis of Student Work
5. Academic and Behavioral Support
6. Instructional Feedback and Professional Learning

As we work collectively as a staff, our focus will be on implementation of district initiatives and aligning our work at King to encompass the pillars and systems approach.  For the next six weeks, I will provide additional information on each system.  At any time, please feel free to ask questions and bring forth your ideas and strategies that work well for your classroom.  Again, this is the time to lean in to your professional development and growth.

Digital Backpack

Currently, 213 students have logged into their digital backpack and created folders.  For those who still have students who have not logged on, please use the link below to find step-by-step instructions.  I do know there are fourth and fifth grade students who are able to help younger students log in.  Some students assisted Mrs. Schmidt's class Friday and each of her students have successfully accessed their digital backpack.  We will discuss the digital backpack further at faculty meeting this week.

PLC Meetings Monday

In PLC this week, we will analyze student DRAs to determine reading groups and next steps for instruction.  Please bring your assessment binder with a hard copy of your assessments.

  • Fourth and Fifth -- DRA
  • Third - DRA and Spelling Inventory
  • K-2 -- DRA, Spelling Inventory, and Sight Word List

Faculty Meeting Tuesday

We will discuss Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and the Digital Backpack.  Please bring your laptops.


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Setting the Stage for Student Learning

Monday will be our 18th day of school and instruction.  At this time, we should be more familiar with our students and students are becoming familiar with classroom and school-wide expectations.  As we immerse ourselves with strong instructional strategies and meaningful instruction for students, let's discuss planning resources and the function of learning targets.  As you click on links below, please remember they are linked to your JCPS Google accounts.

Today, I also emailed all homeroom, special area, ECE, and ESL teachers a coaching document, exclusive for you that you, Jones, and I will use as we all work to grow our core instructional program this school year.  This document will be used for ongoing feedback and reflection.  The first observation window opens September 15th.  Please remember your professional growth plan and Student Learning Focus (see last week's blog post) is due to me on a signed E2 by Friday, September 14th.  I will email a blank E2 for your use.  Last, I am working with our new teachers to create their professional growth plans at 4PM Monday (9/10) in room 104.  Anyone who needs assistance is invited to attend. 

Planning Resources

As we continue with planning for our three-week learning cycles and learning mastery, I want to be sure you are aware of and using the following resources to support purposeful planning.

Learning Targets

Please take time to review information pertaining to using learning targets in daily lessons.  This presentation discusses a high leverage model for creating purposeful targets to drive student learning.  Learning targets are meant to drive daily instruction and let students know what they are expected to learn in EACH lesson and how they are expected to demonstrate their learning (how you will MEASURE learning).

Sense of Urgency

I need everyone to be aware that we have no time to waste.  
  • Students should receive bell-to-bell instruction with minimal down time.  
  • Please adhere to your schedule as this allows predictability that is crucial for building routines and creating a safe space for students.
  • Every homeroom teacher should have a read-aloud book, article, poem, etc. that you incorporate into daily instruction.  Choose a higher level text/item than your grade level, exposing students to higher level items -- this is a great way to incorporate culturally diverse topics and current events.
  • Homeroom, Special Area, ECE, and ESL teachers should all collaborate to support student learning.  We have students who are learning English and who in general are learning to read. Incorporate pictures, videos, and concrete examples to help students make connections to their learning.
  • Every student at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School will gain at least a year's worth of growth this school year.
  • Engage students and parents in discussion regarding academic progress and  what students need to grow academically.  Leverage goal setting.
I can't wait to see what students are learning in your classrooms this week.  Have a productive week!  Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.

***Open House is Tuesday from 6:00-7:30 PM.  It is the expectation all will attend to meet with our families and welcome them into your classrooms***  There will be no faculty meeting.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Plans for Professional Growth

Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in your growth as a professional educator.  Our school district is undergoing a major transformation, seeking to better educate all of our students and do so in more innovative, equitable and personalized ways.  With these foci, also available are numerous opportunities to engage in your personal growth.  Through the districts collaboration with Google to create the digital backpack for students, there are opportunities for Google Level 1 and 2 Certifications.   Professional development opportunities are shared through the weekly email Friday Forward.  There are videos created by JCPS educators and others around the state on the #KentuckyGoDigital channel.  This video describes how to get Google certified.

Google Certified Educator: Designed for educators and classroom teachers who wish to demonstrate proficiency in using Google for Education tools. The Level 1 status indicates that an educator is able to successfully implement G Suite for Education into their teaching practice in order to enhance teaching and learning. The Level 2 status indicates that an educator is able to successfully integrate a wider range of Google for Education tools and other technologies in order to transform their teaching practice.

The Diversity, Equity & Poverty Department is hosting many professional development sessions, speaker series, and sponsoring book studies on various topics.  Attached is a copy of Envision Equity, their monthly newsletter that shares stories around the district, promising practices, resources, and a list of sessions they offer.

PD Central has many choices of professional development across various topics and last, lean in with reading professional books, articles, and talking with other educators.

Take advantage of any professional development using MAP results.  A very useful report when planning instruction is the Classroom Learning Continuum.  You are able to run the report for math or reading.  This report shows you where students are 'ready to learn' related to learning standards.  On the NWEA website, log in, click on 'growth reports', and then 'learning continuum'.  Any of our resource teachers, Jones, or I can assist with locating this report.

Our vision is for students to demonstrate proficiency, develop individual talents, and display leadership within the school and community.  To be prepared to meet students where they are and guarantee at least a year's worth of growth for each student, we must continue to increase our knowledge and collective efficacy to facilitate achievement.

Reflecting on your practices and creating a plan for your professional growth will provide a trajectory for your goals this year.  Resources can be found on the KDE website.  Please remember your professional growth plan is due to me by September 14th.  

Our Student Progress Goal is to implement the student digital backpack for each student, with all students having at least three entries by November 1, 2018, at least six entries by February 1, 2019, and at least 10 entries by May 1, 2019. This will be achieved through the following practices:

  • We will facilitate instruction on the attributes of the JCPS Graduate Profile (five success skills):  (1) Prepared and resilient learner, (2) globally and culturally competent citizen, (3) emerging innovator, (4) effective communicator, and (5) productive collaborator.
  • We will make clear connections for students as to how their work products will be representative of the graduate profile attributes.
  • We will collaborate with one another and outside educators to improve our collective efficacy with providing differentiated learning experiences to challenge students.
  • We will analyze student assignments and work products utilizing the Quality Work Protocol to improve our practice.
I also shared a document with everyone via Google Slides.  I ask how we can make the five success skills concrete to influence student understanding.  It is crucial we build this foundation for our school.

Please remember to check the daily updates and Living Calendar.  We will begin MAP testing Tuesday.  

Wednesday, we will have a visit from district personnel who will complete classroom walkthroughs (I do not have a copy of the instrument) and talk with staff regarding our mission and work at King.  Be prepared for visits to your classrooms.

**Please keep Mrs. Harlan in your thoughts and prayers, her father passed away over the weekend.