Sunday, October 28, 2018

Progress Checks

Thank you Mrs. Stith, Mrs. Perkins, Ms. Jones, Ms. Mundell, and Ms. Flener for working the Showcase of Schools and helping with set-up/tear down.  We met some new families and introduced them to the work we do at King.

MTSS Meeting Monday

Tomorrow, we have MTSS meetings in room 303.  Please be prepared with the following:
1.  The interventions you used to work with students on their progress goals
2.  The progress data tracking sheet (excel sheet) printed with with progress data and graphs (the excel sheet automatically graphs the data for you once you put it in).

Remember, the point of the meeting and MTSS process is to provide instructional interventions to students so they are able to make progress and reach grade level expectations for learning.

ILT Meeting Tuesday

Tuesday, we will have an Instructional Leadership Team Meeting in room 104 instead of faculty meeting.  All grade group and department representatives have been emailed to bring information pertaining to student progress at each grade and specific information for your role group.  See you then.  

School Routines and Procedures

Classroom doors -- Per KY state statutes all classroom doors have to remain locked and closed during the instructional day.  In light of school violence incidents, this is the new procedure.  It used to be that doors were locked, but could remain open, since doors could be closed quickly in the event of an emergency.  Again, now all classroom doors are to be locked and closed.  For those who collaborate in classrooms, I will order you a different key so you can easily enter classrooms.  This will be in effect immediately.

Student dismissal and transportation -- Homeroom teachers are to have a list of how each student goes home posted near the door in their classroom.  If the office receives a transportation change, you will receive a GREEN transportation change form delivered to your classroom prior to dismissal.  It is imperative that you check for this form.  
  • Students are to be lined up and walked downstairs to dismissal area by homeroom teachers and assistants.  Teachers should be near the front of the line to manage student behavior and ensure orderly lines from your classroom door to the dismissal area.
  • Class lines are to be on each side of the stairwell -- no students should walk down the middle of the stairs.  
  • Students should be at a voice level 1 or below.
  • Students must be walked to the bus.
These procedures are in place to ensure students get to the proper locations and home in a timely manner and so we are consistent in our practices.  In addition, if students are staying after school for activities (one-time events) a list will be provided to all staff.  If they are on a sports team or part of an after school on-going activity, they will report to practice areas.  If you are ever in doubt call the parent or the office prior to 3:00.  Remember, we are the adults, do not rely on students to get themselves to the proper dismissal location.  Our #1 job is safety.


We have many staff members that enjoy dressing up for Halloween and we allow students to dress up as well.  Adult costumes must be school appropriate. Here are the parameters, please include these on your newsletters:
  • Students may wear costumes, but may not wear masks
  • Students may not bring any type of weapons/toy weapons as part of costumes
  • Students must wear real shoes and costumes must fit dress code (coverage and lengths)

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a great week.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taking the Pulse and Important Reminders

Making Progress

It is wonderful to see the progress students and classes are making as we move through this school year.  Classroom communities are evident in many rooms and students are learning at high levels.  As we continue to grow, we will strengthen all classroom communities, implementing PATHS with fidelity.  Staff, thank you for being risk-takers and embracing the district initiatives of the backpack of skills, racial equity, and culture and climate.  I have seen great collaboration with homeroom and special area teachers, as well as, tremendous flexibility with the changes to staff and absences without enough substitutes.  Our cafeteria and custodial staff are working hard to keep the building beautiful, in proper working order, and bringing food variety and fast service to students.  Thank you all for being professionals and putting in the time and effort to plan effective lessons, greet every student, and being an advocate for students and families.  Our office staff greatly supports the work of everyone and I am excited for the work we all are doing this year throughout the building.

Student Grades

As you are posting grades for students and reflecting on the first cycle, it is crucial that you are collaborating with ECE and ESL teachers and assistants.  Students who receive ECE and ESL services complete work in both classroom and resource room settings.  As you are compiling grades, be inclusive of the work in both settings.  At no time should an ECE or ESL student receive anything lower than a "D" or "NI" on their report card.  With the additional support they receive based on IEP and PSP goals and accommodations, students should not even get to a "D".  Be mindful that language acquisition is not a deficit, but a growth need.  Together, homeroom and ECE/ESL teachers should use data (work completion, quality, assessment, and participation) to decide grades.  If you have questions about grading or need assistance, see Jones or I.

Professional Learning Communities

Tomorrow, PLCs will discuss the trends you noticed with your students' narrative writing pieces.  As a teacher, you have already read them and provided feedback at various points as students were working on them.  PLC tomorrow is a time to discuss quality, the effectiveness of the rubric used, and next steps to assist students with writing evidenced from their performance on this assignment.  Please be sure to record PLC minutes and turn them into White by the end of the day.


This week, Dr. Pollio included the following safety reminders in his weekly address to principals.  I am putting them below for your review and adherence.

       Last month, we had the Kentucky Center for School Safety select 8 of our schools to do an assessment of our schools for safety.  We will be providing some more training around what they found, but I wanted to share with you some things that you can do immediately to address safety issues in your school.

·         There were inconsistencies in how staff addressed visitors before allowing them to enter the school.  Any staff member who is responsible for questioning a visitor through the camera/speaker should follow the script that is provided in the safety handbook, whether they feel they know the person or not.
·         There should be a complete protocol for visitors when they enter the building.  This protocol should be followed every time. This is state statute.
·         Doors were propped open in several instances around schools, often after school.  Doors must remain locked at all times.

·         Classroom doors should always be closed and locked.  This includes when students are in the classroom.  Teachers should not have their doors open during classroom instruction.  This is state statute.

Faculty Meeting

Faculty meeting this week with be a training for KPREP administration.  We have a few of these trainings each year so that we are knowledgeable and compliant with administration guidelines.

Thoughts and Prayers

Please keep Granny J and Ms. Covington in your thoughts and prayers.  Granny J lost her brother this past week and Ms. Covington lost her father.


  • Report grades are due on Infinite Campus by Tuesday, October 23rd
  • A copy of your printed report cards are due by Wednesday, October 24th to White
  • Please check the living calendar and daily updates

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Reflecting on Cycle 1

Cycle 1 ends this Wednesday, marking our completion of the first nine weeks of school.  This is a great time to ensure students have completed all work and grades are entered in Infinite Campus.  Please be sure you have the sufficient amount of grades for students as outlined in our King Elementary School Grading guidance.  When entering grades and comments, please be sure to center comments around student learning and state growth needs in a positive manner. 

For example:

  • Tasha has mastered 20 of the 100 sight words each student is expected to learn in first grade, please practice the weekly list at home.
  • Timothy is not yet reading at grade level, please be sure to sign the reading log each night after he reads for 20 minutes.
  • Christina is a leader in class, she is dependable and often asks to help other students.

The grading window will open in Infinite Campus at the end of the day on October 17th.  You will have five working days to input grades.  Please print your report cards and turn them into White by end of the day on October 24th.  Report cards will go home on October 26th.

Professional Learning Communities

Monday (10/15) - PLC will be team level planning -- Science and Social Studies.  Please remember to update any new topics/standards/skills on your grade level cycle maps for instruction document after you've planned.  Meet in grade level classes.
** Fifth grade -- S/SS planning - incorporating S/SS in reading and math for departmentalization.

Wednesday (10/17) - K-5 team planning for math cycles through January.  Please meet Ms.
Camp in 303; bring your laptop and Envision teacher guide.
**Fifth grade -- Holloway/Williams -- meet Ms. Flener in 303.

Monday (10/22) - PLC - Writing Analysis -- Please bring student narrative writing pieces and scored rubrics.  We will look at progression and review Writing Strategies Book.  Meet in 303 (Narratives were due 10/12).

***Side note for effective collaboration -- Remember to share your plans with your ECE/ESL support teachers ****

Tuesday, we have faculty meeting in the library @ 4PM -- Social Emotional Learning

Wednesday, we are hosting a Transition to Middle School fifth grade parent meeting this Wednesday, October 17th, from 6-7 PM. All fifth grade students should have received a flyer on Friday.  More are available in the office.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Gold Day and Beyond

Monday, October 8th, is Gold Day, please click on the agenda below for an overview of the day.  We will be in the library.  Please come equipped with a great attitude, your professional work ethic, and your laptop.

Gold Day Agenda

Tuesday, October 9th, is Parent Teacher Conference Day.  Our students will lead conferences among their parent, teacher, and themselves.  Please share MAP individual growth reports.  Each teacher will complete a conference summary form and return it to the office.  In addition, all conferences must be recorded in Infinite Campus as well under the "Parent Teacher Conference" tab.

Last, please update your bulletin board with student work, including the learning standard (some have already completed this) by Friday, October 12th.

Have a great week!