Sunday, January 27, 2019

The Next 77 Days


We are more than halfway through the school year, celebrating our 100th day on Wednesday and being 77 days away from the last day of school.  With that said, we have about 60 days before KPREP and about 50 days before the next MAP test -- we all must have a great sense of urgency for maximizing student learning.

Tomorrow (Monday), I am looking for the list of students your grade level has identified for targeted support as part of our school-wide MAP reading and math accelerated learning plan.  You have electronic and paper copies of the student plan template.  Please be mindful of the following:

  • Take inventory of what you are already doing to work with and intervene with struggling students (some questions to prompt your work).
    • Are they in Reading Recovery?
    • Do they get additional guided reading groups during the week -- more than 3 days?
    • Do they receive one-on-one instruction from you or an assistant?
    • Are you leveraging technology (iRead, Reflex, Prodigy, Xtra Math, etc.) daily?
    • Do they receive ESS support, ESL support, ECE support -- discuss with teachers and support staff to properly document what is in place?
    • Have you assigned lessons from Study Island based on student need?
    • How do you differentiate learning for students?
    • Are you using the learning continuum (MAP) to see what students need?
    • Have students completed goal setting?
    • Have you collaborated with special area teachers to support growth plans?
  • There is no putting this off -- we are going now -- next week we will discuss initial results and evidence of implemented plans.  The admin and resource team is here to support you in this process
    • This can include helping with goal setting, conferencing with students, planning activities to support learning, providing feedback, etc.
    • Additionally, we have the support of district resource teachers to assist with walk-throughs, improving teacher clarity (providing clear success criteria), increasing student engagement, managing student behavior, planning for deeper learning, and increasing cultural proficiency and relevance to daily lessons.
With our additional support, there is additional accountability -- be aware that we will have district resource personnel visiting classrooms on a regular basis.  They are part of our support team, be sure you are prepared and providing strong instruction structured by the Classroom Instructional Framework.  

WE are moving forward and growing TOGETHER.  I believe in you, our kids are depending on us, and we will be successful.  Dig in and trust the process.

Remember to check the living calendar

We have ILT meeting Tuesday instead of faculty meeting (team leaders, department chairs, resource staff)

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