Sunday, September 22, 2019

Great Things Continue to Happen at King!

Media Event

Wednesday, September 25th, the Coach Mack Foundation will visit King Elementary.  We have been chosen by the foundation to receive 1000 new library books and be the newest edition to Coach Mack's Corner.  Chris Mack is the coach for the University of Louisville Men's Basketball Team.  We will have a section of our library redecorated and the dedication ceremony is Wednesday beginning at 9:30 AM.  This is another exciting opportunity for our students.  We will have students from Mr. Williams' class participate with the ceremony.  If you have a U of L shirt, Wednesday is a great day to wear it!

We will have Coach Mack, his wife Christi, Dr. Pollio, other district staff and members of the media.
The article below is from their visit to Crums Lane Elementary last year.  

Professional Growth Planning (PGP)

All certified  and classified staff will submit professional growth plans by September 30, 2019.  Below is the link to the Kentucky Department of Education Website that has resources for completing your PGP.  A paper copy of your professional growth plan must be turned in on an E-2 form (certified) and a conference summary (classified), with your signature.    Please turn these in to Mrs. Perkins by end of the day September 30th.  At minimum each question below must be thoughtfully answered.  Be sure to include the baseline data/information on which your PGP is based. This will be discussed and referenced throughout the evaluation process.  You will provide a midpoint check (December) and provide final results (April) and reflection. 

For classified staff, this is the first year you will complete this formal step, but it is crucial for us all to set goals to increase our collective efficacy.

Questions to guide your reflection and planning:
  • Based upon available evidence, what do I want to change about my practices that will positively impact student learning and achievement in my classroom/role group?
  • Based upon educational research, what improvements to my instructional design process and/or classroom practice will most positively impact the targeted learning needs?
  • What do I need to learn in order to create a workable and meaningful plan for professional growth?
  • What action plan will best address my professional learning needs?
  • How will I know if/when I have accomplished my goal?  What interim markers will indicate progress along the way? 

Student Agendas

Last week students received their personal agendas.  The purpose of agendas is to build organizational skills (there are many reference pages included for students to utilize -- be sure to show these and teach students how to use them), communicate with families, and have students track learning targets, assignments, and progress (student agency).

Be sure to impress upon students the importance of keeping up with the agenda and using it as a tool.  Replacement agendas are $5.00 each.  Remember if you stress the importance, it becomes important to students.  I suggest daily responsibility points for using it each day.

Data Sharing

SRT data   -- We had 55 SRT calls last week -- Remember, SRT is the last step -- what routines/procedures need to be reinforced or adjusted to meet the needs of the class?  All need to utilize buddy rooms and team input to strategize problematic behaviors.

Walkthroughs from CCV  -- Be explicit with connecting relevance to lessons that capitalize on student funds of knowledge -- give examples and reasoning your students can connect with to anchor their learning to previous concepts and new learning.  Feedback was that students can explain "what" they are doing, but were not sure of the "why."  Why is the day's learning important and impactful.

School-Wide MAP Data -- Results to come -- all students (except 1 and EL students who were exempt) have completed testing.  Across the school this data will tell us how many students are meeting grade level benchmarks -- remember the goal is always academic proficiency.

Attendance -- We were at or above 95% each day.  This is great news and we will keep pushing to 100%.  Talk up attendance with your class, make it part of your classroom community.

Backpack Artifacts (2019-20) - total number of students with an artifact from this school year

  • Kindergarten -- 0
  • First Grade - 11
  • Second Grade -- 1 
  • Third Grade -- 1
  • Fourth Grade -- 1
  • Fifth Grade - 0

Please add backpack artifacts to your PLC discussion this week -- Incorporate artifact worthy projects in your planning and instruction.


Teacher Backpack -- Planning resources, list of standards, ideas for project based learning

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