Sunday, March 8, 2020

Implementation Checks Week 2


Thank you for taking time to check your classroom systems last week.  This week, I ask you to check the level of implementation with the following; please understand these are layers and checking our systems bit by bit allow us to pull all the pieces together aligning our mission and vision to the desk of our students.

Teaching and Learning - Pushing all students to proficiency so they believe in their own power to achieve success.

Guided Reading Groups

  • Every class, every grade level must implement differentiated guided reading groups for reading instruction to support student growth.   The purpose of guided reading is to move students up reading levels; students who are below grade level should have a guided reading group everyday, in addition to their interventions (the link for guided reading is on the right side of the blog).  

  • All of the lesson plan forms for guided reading are in this folder. Teachers, use the templates to plan each of your guided reading groups. The lesson cards that came with the Literacy Footprints book sets are just a resource/guide. Teachers should plan the lessons to meet the needs of your students -- running records, dictated sentences, and the sight words assessments from Jan Richardson's Next Steps Forward in Guided Reading should be used as tools to guide instruction.

  • If you have questions or issues with implementation, please see Ms. Buckley or Ms. Camp immediately.

  • Math
    • Current focus on measurement and geometry for the next two weeks as we prepare for MAP testing.  The goal is an increase of 15% in math performance.

PBIS - The foundation for continually improving our school-wide learning environment

  • Review classroom expectations, rewards (what they get or get to do when they follow the expectations and excel) and consequences (what happens when they don't follow the expectation):  These should be posted so they can be viewed by students and referred to by you when redirecting students or providing reminders.
  • Feedback-- in the event you have to write a referral, be sure to check the interventions you put into place and parents should receive a phone call -- the first call they get concerning the behavior should not come from administration.  

Progress Monitoring- Tracking and monitoring student progress towards proficient and distinguished performance

  • Daily formative assessment aligned to learning target for each lesson
  • Track each student's progress towards mastering the learning target


  • MTSS progress monitoring sheets were due to Camp Friday, please give math to her  and reading to Buckley by noon tomorrow.
  • Marsha Ross joins us this week as our new behavior coach, she starts Monday
  • Olexus Porter is now a full time employee at King as a Permanent Auxiliary Teacher
  • Job postings are up to replace April Johnson and Georgana Windley (resigned their positions).  If you know anyone who may be interested, please encourage them to apply, the posting closes March 20, 2020.
  • Faculty Meeting will discuss grading procedures and the upcoming MAP assessment
  • ILT meeting (team leaders) will be Wednesday, March 11th.  All teams will report out on the number of students scoring proficient on the last round of learning checks _- please be prepared to discuss how you all have adjusted instructional strategies based on learning results.
  • Be sure to check your professional development hours, March 27th is a flexible PD day

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