Sunday, February 18, 2018

What Does Excellence Mean?

Our north star and way forward is building a culture of excellence.  Excellence means doing our best work and being our best self each day.  Below is a short video on fixed versus growth mindset -- after you view it reflect on your mindset and what you cultivate in students you work with.  Do you provide space for their growth and expect their best work each day?  How is this communicated to students?  How do you communicate the high expectation for learning and having a growth mindset in your classroom?

Embedded PD

Tuesday, 2/20/2018 there will be an embedded PD session (Room 303) during planning for each grade level team -- the purpose is to check on progress with opinion writing (our cycle 3 writing piece).  Be prepared with one of the exemplars you have used to demonstrate a finished product and high quality writing piece, a sample of pre-writing, and the rubric you are using to teach students.

Professional Learning Communities 2/22/2018

You received an email from Mrs. Stith regarding PLCs this week.  We will analyze our MAP data and   in order to be prepared you will need to bring two reports with you.

  1.  Class Report
  2. Class Breakdown Report

Below is a link to help you find these reports on the NWEA site.

Please email Stith if you have any trouble finding the reports.  


  • Progress reports go home Monday, 2/19
  • Intent to Return forms are in your mailboxes (certified teachers), please complete and turn in to Ms. Foster by Friday, 2/23/2018
  • Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates
Have a productive week!

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