Monday, March 26, 2018

The Next Five Instructional Days

Review and Re-Teach

Over the past two weeks, students have taken assessments in reading, math, and social studies (5th).  Additionally, students completed the Envision Topic 1-8 assessment.  These data points will allow us to analyze what students know and are able to do and what students need additional support with.  We must review and use this information to push instruction this week and the rest of the school year.  If you need additional support analyzing your data and planning next steps, please see me, Jones, or members of the resource teaching staff.  There is no time to waste, our students need us.

Student Backpack of Skills (From Dr. Pollio)

The backbone of the backpack work will center on all students being transition ready.  This will mean that we will have a laser-like focus on defining readiness at every transition point. This will include K-readiness, middle school readiness, high school readiness, and college readiness.  We are committed to providing students with guidelines on what a student will have in their backpack to be transition ready at every point.  We even plan on drilling down in to what it means to be “ready” at the end of every grade.  In this way, schools can provide every student with the interventions and an individualized instructional plan to ensure every student is ready for the next grade and transition.  Please view part 3 of the "What's in Your Backpack Series"

Empowering Students

If you have turned on a TV in the past few days, you have witnessed the collective power of student engagement in real world issues.  I am moved and excited by the activism of students around the country and the global impact they are building around gun control and  civic engagement.  I am impressed with their resourcefulness, articulate explanations, and passionate arguments they have constructed around this issue.  This is the power of education in action.  Students are drawing on their skills, learning about new resources, and taking part in activities geared to bring about change in their world.  This is the goal!  As we push students to be their best, remember we are preparing them to be great and to find their voice and use it to impact our global community.  As we continue to work on our student backpack of demonstrative skills, we have to set high expectations, believe in our ability to help students succeed, and engage students in meaningful instruction.

Updates and Reminders

Due to the snow day last week, report cards will go home Tuesday, March 27th.  Teachers in grades K-2 received MAP scores in your mailbox -- these go home with students.  If you have not already sent them, please include them with report cards.  ECE teachers, be sure to upload and mail progress reports to parents.

Please be sure to view the daily updates and living calendar.  Have a great week!

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