Sunday, March 4, 2018

Student Led Conferences

We will host student led conferences this week on Parent-Teacher Conference days (March 6-7, 2018) from 4-7 PM.  This is part of students taking Ownership in their learning and will increase motivation.  Please remember -- you must work both days to be paid. 

At this point, you should have already collaborated with ECE and ESL staff to coordinate conference times.

Special area teachers will be assigned to support parent sign ins -- please communicate with one another to have coverage for your scheduled conferences.

Student Preparation and Accountability

  • Two weeks ago (in faculty meeting), you received a template for students to complete prior to conferences so they can self-assess and be prepared to lead discussions with parents for the conference.  Please remind students they should encourage parents to attend.  If you need another copy of the form, see Ms. Jones.

  • Have students gather work samples (writing journals, Envision 1-8 assessment, Journeys workbook, projects, writing pieces and in progress opinion pieces, and other supporting documents.  Review MAP assessment data as well (you were provided copies of student progress two weeks ago and you are able to run your own class level reports)

 Teacher Preparation and Accountability

  • Please provide Ms. Foster a copy of your conference schedule by the end of the day tomorrow (Monday)
  • All conferences will be documented in IC under the Parent-Teacher Conference tab and provide me with a paper copy to confirm documentation (your schedule, with conferences checked off).
  • If parents do not attend conferences, you must call every parent to attempt a phone conference (document), use the student form to guide the conversation.
  • Thursday, please send home the student form and MAP student progress sheet for any student who did not have a parent attend conferences.

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

  • This week is MTSS Wednesday and Thursday, please see the living calendar.
  • Next week, please be prepared with your Lesson Analysis form for the Envision Assessment for units 1-8 and next steps for teaching.  This assessment will help gauge math growth and proficiency thus far this school year.  Bring your laptops to the meeting.
  • Now that we are in March, we have three months of instructional time as we continue to prepare students for the next grade level, be sure you are purposeful in your planning and learning activities.  Remember, we must act according to a medical model -- identification of issue/misconception, provide a treatment/intervention, and reassess to see if the treatment worked or if we need to try a different prescription.

Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - aligns to student agendas

“Four tips for sustaining PBIS” video
Most of our agendas are designed to support PBIS. Below is a link to a 4 minute video by PBISApps entitled, “Four tips for sustaining PBIS”. Among its recommendations:
1)      The strongest predictor of sustained PBIS implementation and sustained student outcomes is implementation of PBIS in the classroom, not just common areas. (“if you have PBIS only in common areas and not in the classroom, you don’t have PBIS.”)

2)      Along with PBIS procedures, it is critical for classroom teachers to create a “positive school environment” (school climate is the number 1 indicator of higher test scores).
Two simple ways your planner can help:
1)      If you have the Esteem/Social-Emotional Planner, the 7 Habits Foundations Planner, or one of our supplements (character, bullying, cyber-safety) the monthly themes, weekly tips, or pages are designed to give teachers a talking point or discussion starter.  However, even our Classic Planner has a weekly “What Matters Most” prompt for the same purpose.

2)      The Weekly Goals area is for student action plans to build engagement and accountability. The act of writing down goals (and assignments) is empirically proven to increase homework turned in, completion of goals, and student achievement.
Here’s the PBIS video:

Access mini-lessons, etc. to plan for next year at
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Next Level Teaching -- challenge yourself to create a Google Classroom 

Please remember to check the daily updates and living calendar.

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