Monday, May 28, 2018

Finish Strong

The Next Three Days

We made it!! We have three instructional days and celebrations to share with students, families, and one another.  Thank you for staying focused, holding students to high expectations for learning and behavior, and taking time to celebrate the hard work of students this year.

The grading window is open in Infinite Campus, please remember student report cards go home on the last day of school.  Kindergarten teachers may put the report card in the envelope with promotion materials. If you have students absent on the last day, please bring their report cards to the office with you when you check out.  Fifth grade report cards should go into the envelope with promotion certificates.

Awards Ceremonies

I sent you all an email reminder about award ceremonies this week.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will have awards ceremonies for grades 1-4 in the gym.  Chairs and the podium will be set up and parents are invited to attend.  All parents will sign in to the office, attend ceremonies, and exit from the gym.  Parents will not be permitted to walk through the building, but we will have staff on hand in the gym in case parents wish to sign out their student early.  Teachers will run the show, an administrator will be present to greet students and families at the start of each ceremony.  If you need additional certificates, they are available in the conference room.  The schedule is here.  Wednesday we will have kindergarten promotion starting at 10 AM.  Thursday, we will have fifth grade promotion starting at 10 AM.

Fifth Grade Luncheon

Tomorrow, all fifth grade students will have a catered lunch in the cafeteria beginning at 12:45.  The food should be delivered by 12:30.  We will have an area of the cafeteria set up, students do not have to sit by class.

Preparing to Check Out

Last week, I put a furniture inventory and check out sheet in your mailboxes.  Certified teachers, please note, one of your requirements is an E-2 with your reflection and results from your professional growth plan.

Lesson Plans -- If you complete lesson plans electronically, you can submit it to me printed, on a flash drive, or share via Google Docs. 

Staff Meetings

We will NOT have a faculty meeting tomorrow 5/29 after school.
  • June 1, 2018 -- We will meet in the library at 9:05 -- we will be engaged until lunchtime.  Lunch will be provided.  Agenda is attached, click on the date.
  • June 4, 2018 -- We will meet in the library at 9:05.  We will celebrate retirees on this day.

Please be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a great week!

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