Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sprint through the finish line

The Next 8 Days

Over the next eight days, student engagement and meaningful instruction should still be at the forefront.  Students are excited, but the year is not over.  Student engagement in learning activities will create and maintain normalcy that supports a productive environment.  

This week we will have our last MTSS meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to look at end of year academic and behavior data and make note of students who we are still concerned about.  We will also check on the status of students who were referred this year for Special Education Services.  Please make sure your data charts are updated before this meeting.

SRT Calls

Please review expectations for learning and behavior with students.  We have had a drastic increase in SRT calls over the past two weeks.  Remember to utilize your teammates and buddy rooms to give students and yourself a break.

Backpack Series - Video #8 -- Student Exhibitions 

These videos are meant to provide information as we embark on a backpack of skills for every student in JCPS.  As we work to define what King students will know and be able to demonstrate, we can use the videos as a reference and to support our work with students.

Student Awards and Recognition

Tuesday, May 29th will be awards day for students in grades 1-4.  The times for each grade level are available here.

Updates and Reminders

Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates

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