Monday, May 20, 2019

K-PREP Testing This Week

Thank you for all your work with students over the course of this school year.   This week, students in grades 3-5 will take K-PREP assessments and demonstrate their learning over this school year.  Please be mindful to follow the directions laid out by KDE, testing documents, and Ms. Jones.  If you have questions, call 2611 and we will work quickly to get them answered.

Student Cell Phones (grades 3-5)

  • Please collect student cell phones -- have students write their names on paper/post it so their phone is labeled.  Have students power them off and store them in a secure, locked location.  If you need any assistance with this, please let us know.    Phones will be returned at the END of the day.  This will be the daily procedure with testing.
Schedule Changes and After Testing
  • Remember to check your folder for lunch and special area times.  Special area will last for 50 minutes -- this is a change from the normal 60 minutes.  Be sure you are on time dropping off and picking up your students.
  • Lunch times have also been adjusted -- please check the schedule and be punctual.  Cafeteria tables have been labeled so that classes know where to sit.
  • After students finish their test within the testing session, they are permitted to read a book, draw, lay their heads down.  They may not work on any content specific items.
  • After the testing session is complete for the day and materials have been returned, it is school as normal.  You should continue teaching and students should continue learning.  Accommodations will still occur throughout the day, so please set expectations for quiet, quick transitions to allow all students a quiet testing environment.
Transition Plans
  • Friday, you received templates for student transition plans.  There are four different forms to support transition readiness.  Go ahead and start this process -- provide feedback or ask questions -- this is how we make these usable documents.  These are done for fifth grade students as well (K-5)
    • Student is transition ready 
    • Student is transition ready and excels in specific areas (Primary Talent Pool/AP/GT)
    • Student is Not transition ready
    • Student is Not transition ready and two or more years behind

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