Monday, November 11, 2019

Learning Targets and Success Criteria to Scaffold Learning

King Staff,

Our mission and purpose is to ... provide rigorous and engaging instruction and remove barriers to learning so that students believe in their own ability to achieve success...  with this as our focus, consider the following as you move through this instructional week.  Homeroom, special area, ECE, and EL teachers and instructional support staff will discuss and begin goal setting with their classes.  All other staff members will discuss this and assist with students you encounter and support within your role group.  This means we are discussing goals in the cafeteria, as we pass students in the hallway, as we push in to support students in class, as we redirect following SRT, as we sign students into school, and greet or dismiss students throughout the school day.  Our students WANT our attention, as we provide it, be direct in discussing learning goals.

Our school-wide goal is to increase the number of students meeting MAP grade level benchmarks by 10%  in reading and math as evidenced by the winter MAP assessment.

From the ELEOT (walkthrough) tool, high expectations are set and evidenced by the following:

High Expectations Environment:

  • Learners strive to meet or are able to articulate the high expectations established by themselves and/or the teacher (starts with updated, clear learning targets)
  • Learners engage in activities and learning that are challenging but attainable (use of visible success criteria scaffolds learning by showing students the whole picture and how day-to-day learning fits the bigger picture of the learning standard expectation)
  • Learners demonstrate and/or are able to describe high quality work (do students clearly understand the expectation for their learning and why they are learning it)
  • Learners engage in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks that require the use higher order thinking (analyzing, applying, evaluating, synthesizing) -- Leverage writing to demonstrate learning -- have students explain their thinking and understanding by writing 
  • Learners take responsibility for and are self-directed in their learning -- Goal setting is for students to be able to understand where they are individually and where they need to grow.  The better they understand this, the faster they grow.

Advisory Council (former SBDM) meeting Monday (11/11/19) @ 4:10 PM in room 104.

Faculty Meeting Tuesday -- We will have a 90 minute meeting (previously shared), please plan accordingly -- this will be  a great time for differentiated learning as we have district resource staff for you to engage with on various topics including opportunities to respond, cultural inclusivity, classroom management strategies, and more.

Team Leader Meeting - Wednesday @ 4:00 in the library

Student Recognition Ceremony -- Friday @ 2:30 in the cafeteria -- we will recognize students for honor roll, perfect attendance, and students of the month from the first grading cycle.  If you have students who have made tremendous improvements, this is a great time to recognize as well.  We will send a letter home with students today -- parents are invited to attend.  Logistics for that day will be forthcoming.

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a wonderful week!

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