Monday, November 25, 2019

Thank you!


Thank you for being part of the continuous improvement process at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.  I appreciate your work, dedication and daily impact you bring to our students.  While I fully understand the challenges and needs that our students face and have, it is always crucial to stop and think of the role each adult in our building plays in the lives of students.  We teach, we encourage, we love, we set boundaries, we hug, we question, and we provide for all our students.  As a staff, we collaborate, support, disagree, challenge, and grow on this journey of educating students and ourselves.

Over these next two days, be steadfast with enforcing our high expectations for learning, goal setting, and ensuring a safe environment for all.  Remember that going home for the holiday is not celebratory for everyone, so let us be patient with one another. 

While we will not have faculty meeting Tuesday afternoon (Happy Thanksgiving), there is still expectation of collaboration in your professional learning community to share and communicate results from Friday's learning checks.  PLC minutes are still due by 9AM Wednesday morning, so please be sure to get this done.  For each grade level, be sure to turn in the assessment analysis for both reading and math, along with learning results (got it, almost got it, not yet) and a high, medium, low sample from each class.  ECE and ESL teachers are collaborating and providing input for students on their caseloads as well.  We are ALL IN to drive instruction and student learning.

Last, we have PBIS rewards on Tuesday --more to come from the PBIS committee -- watch your email.  We are having a pot luck on Tuesday -- see the email from Mrs. Mozier to sign up to bring something.

Have an awesome two student days and a Happy Thanksgiving.  I appreciate you all.

FYI...we had 117 parents join us for Thanksgiving Lunch Friday!

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