Monday, December 16, 2019

Happy Holidays -- 5 Instructional Days to Break!

Team King,

Thank you all for your work and perseverance in this first half of the school year.  We have come a long way and have met our challenges head on and through our dedication, we are making progress.  There are three things we must accomplish this week and we need everyone all in to make it happen.

1.  Complete MAP assessments -- Ms. Camp and Ms. Allen have been working to complete MAP testing with all students who need make ups.  Please remember... (1)  that you can have them take the assessment in your classroom ( you all know how to pull up the testing session) and/or (2) please be sure to communicate to Ms. Camp the students you need help testing.  We expect to have 100% of our students complete the assessment and we are looking to meet our goal of 10% increase in the percentage of students meeting the grade level benchmarks in reading and math.  After all your students have completed the assessment, please review results with your class using the PowerPoint that was attached to last week's Weekly Blog Email.

2. Students will complete Learning Checks this week (Friday deadline).  Start today by letting students know this and set the goal of having it done with high quality so that we can celebrate at the end of the week.  Please make copies for students who receive accommodations and provide that to ECE and ESL teachers TODAY.  Per feedback in team leader meeting last week, this is the best way to ensure all students have their needed accommodations and accommodators have adequate time to administer assessments.  Please communicate with ECE and ESL staff with whom you share students.  Friday is also the end of the grading period, be mindful of this.

3.  Time to reflect and celebrate -- Reflecting on the winter MAP assessment, we will begin discussing strategies for analyzing data at the class level for next steps and focusing on how we use MAP to guide future instruction.  Ms. Allen will visit teams today during the first 10 minutes of planning to provide some information/resources to guide your thinking with this process.  Celebrations -- we have the following things happening this week, stay tuned for logistics:

  • Secret Santa starts today -- morning items Ho Ho Ho...only four more days to go! (after today)  Donut Holes & Coffee
  • PBIS rewards -- Thursday -- Hot chocolate and cookie decorating -- 200 dojo dollars, staff hot chocolate bar
  • Arts Integration presentation (Ms. Martin, Mr. Williams, Ms. Stivers, Ms. Johnson)
  • Thursday -- Yearlings Club -- evening holiday party -- 50 students receiving bicycles (students are not aware of this)
  • Friday -- class parties -- Texas Roadhouse (students are not aware of this) -- and staff party @ 4:30 or as soon as you get to Bambi 2701 Bardstown Road 40205 -- significant others welcome -- no kids

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