Monday, December 9, 2019

Next 10 Days


Thank you to all who represented their teams and role groups at our PBIS meeting Friday.  Together, we can revise our school-wide expectations for teaching, learning, and behavior to improve consistency and decrease problematic and unproductive behaviors.  We will have some new faces in the building over the next couple of weeks to support our efforts:  Kim Linkhart (supporting Ms. Coke's class), Josh Konczal and Adam (doing walk-throughs, helping to lead PBIS reboot), and Rebecca Despain (MTSS academic support - has been supporting fourth grade)-- visited PLCs last week.

Please know that we are all about supporting professional growth with all staff members and the people you see about the building and in your classrooms are in our building on purpose to help us accelerate our growth.  Our goal is to increase student achievement and accelerate all growth at King.  Be open to support, feedback, and growth.

Faculty Meeting -- Tuesday, we will discuss and review on-demand writing across grade levels (link to writing goal for CSIP).  The second grade team will present a strategy at the start of faculty meeting as well.

MAP Assessment -- As we work to complete MAP assessments, we have created a short PowerPoint for all homeroom teachers to share results at the class level.  After all students have been tested in your homeroom, use the PowerPoint to share results with students.  It is imperative to share results and have students reflect on their own growth with their individual goal sheets.  If you would like assistance when you review these results, please let us know, we are all happy to help.

Team Leader Meeting -- We will have team leader meeting this Wednesday at 4:00.  This is how we develop the PLC process -- all team leaders are expected to attend.  We will discuss PLC questions and backpack of success skills.

Staff Reminders:

  • Be sure to update learning targets daily and provide success criteria
  • Feedback is the name of the game -- how do students in your classroom know if they are meeting the learning targets and understanding the concept/process/ content being taught?
  • PLC minutes due Wednesday morning by 9AM to Lisa Perkins
  • Friday is Breakfast with Santa in the cafeteria (pictures)

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