Monday, April 16, 2018

Data Reviews and Next Steps

Data meetings with each teacher are in progress.  I met with several teachers last week to review classroom level data and the work will continue this week.  This work is important so that we know how our students are progressing and we are able to be purposeful with planning next steps.  We have 31 student days of school left and approximately 17 days until our annual K-PREP testing.  We have added additional support to 3rd-5th grade classes with Special Area teachers and assistants from K and 1.  As always, it is imperative that remaining instructional days are used to hone skills, practice calculator use, and improve upon reading stamina and test taking strategies.

Please be mindful that student progress reports will go home Monday, April 30, 2018.

Backpack of Skills - video series # 6

This past week in principal meeting, we received more information on the JCPS student backpack of skills and I will share this information with you as we move forward over the next few weeks.  Please view the video below, which is part of the backpack video series.

Mayor's Give-A-Day Week

This week we will have students participating with clearing out flower beds on the back patio, front planters, and sign area preparing these spaces for planting flowers and beautification.  Our fourth grade students are doing this work as part of  ECHO as a community service project.  Additionally, students are encouraged to do something nice, provide a service to someone in the building or in their community.

Faculty Meeting this week 

Dr. Marks-John will return to provide our next social-emotional learning module.

PLCs this week

Check in --student progress on current Envision topic -- and planning next steps (room 104)

MAP testing begins next week

Thank you for providing feedback to the resource team regarding MAP testing.  For this round, we will mostly use Chromebooks to test students in classrooms.  Classroom teachers and resource staff will proctor testing, the schedule can be found here.  Since we are using Chromebooks, please plan according for daily instruction as all Chromebooks will be in use during testing times.  Please take time to review previous results with students and remind them of the importance of MAP and giving their best effort.

Have a great week, please be mindful to check you professional development hours -- there are PD days on May 4th and May 22nd.  You need to have 18 hours to be off on May 4th and 24 hours to be off on May 2nd. You are required to have 24 hours completed each school year.

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