Monday, April 23, 2018

Twenty Six and Twelve

With 26 instructional days left with students and 12 instructional days until K-PREP testing for students in grades 3-5, please continue to push instruction.  Students should be reminded or taught test taking strategies to support their efforts.

Check to be sure you have calculators for each student in your classroom, this is a great time to practice calculator use -- be sure all students know how to use them.  Fifth grade teachers, please check the number of dictionary and thesauri you have available in your classroom, students should also be adept at using these tools.

MAP Assessment Begins This  Week

Classroom teachers and resource staff will proctor testing, the schedule can be found here.  Since we are using Chromebooks, please plan according for daily instruction as all Chromebooks will be in use during testing times.  Please take time to review previous results with students and remind them of the importance of MAP and giving their best effort.

Faculty Meeting --K-PREP information and training

PLC --  Lesson Analysis forms and discussion Topic Assessment

K-PREP Assessments -- Thursday 5/10/18 – Wednesday  5/16/18

JCPS Student Backpack Video Series #7

School Lunch Hero Week 4/23-4/27

This week cafeteria staff are being recognized across the district.  Please take time to thank our nutrition staff for supporting our students and preparing daily nutritious meals.

Shout out to Mrs. Martin and Ms. Williams for planning a wonderful Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Dance.  Families had a great time and it was a beautiful event.  Thank you to all volunteers who helped set up, clean up, take tickets, serve food, park cars, and chaperone.

Professional Development Reminder:  Please be mindful to check you professional development hours -- there are PD days on May 4th and May 22nd.  You need to have 18 hours to be off on May 4th and 24 hours to be off on May 22nd. You are required to have 24 hours completed each school year.

Please check the living calendar and daily updates

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