Monday, April 30, 2018

Twenty-One and Seven

Team King,

I read an article in the Courier Journal yesterday written by education researchers Kannapel and Belin from the Prichard Committee.  They researched schools in Kentucky and identified eight schools in 2005 that had transformed from chronically low performing to high performing schools.  In their findings they reported three key items that made the difference:

  • The principal and staff had ongoing, honest conversation about their low performing status and engaged in collaborative, intensive self study to support improvement.
  • Schools were led by collaborative principals and the staff collaboratively addressed problems
  • School climate was the single most distinguishing feature -- impacted most by high expectations for everyone (not just students).
Moving forward, they suggested the following four promising practices to eliminate chronically low performing schools:
  • Learn from and build upon success
  • Support school-led efforts -- we must have staff, parent, and student buy-in
  • Engage the students in change efforts
  • Focus on climate

At Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary, we are having conversations around our school data and low performing status.  Professional learning communities provide the collaborative framework to discuss our performance and growth needs.  Utilizing MAP testing is assisting us with uncovering what our students know and how to plan to best support their learning and growth.  We have been working to change and grow our learning culture for adults, parents, and students.   We must continue this collaborative work.  WE are on the path and I encourage you all to trust the process as we challenge ourselves to do purposeful work and engage our students in meaningful instruction.  I thank you for your commitment to King and your work for students.  I challenge us to think about our progress, celebrate, and begin to plan next steps for individual and collective growth in our processes and expectations for learning.  WE will be successful!

Notes and Reminders

  • Student progress reports go home today in Monday folders
  • Ms. Jones is unavailable moving forward as she coordinates K-PREP testing.  If you need anything, see me, Harlan, Mays, or Parks.
  • Provide ACTIVE supervision in classrooms, common areas, and during arrival and dismissal.
  • Tuesday, we will have a faculty meeting -- reviewing items and the schedule for K-PREP
  • Thursday -- PLCs will be on grade level teams --discussing student progress and learning results.
  • Be sure to check your PD hours for the upcoming flexible PD day Friday -- you need 18 hours to have the day off.
  • Check the living calendar and daily updates

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