Sunday, November 4, 2018

Setting the Stage for Learning

As we prepare for Gold Day, think about how you set the stage for the learning environment.  Students love to work in groups, however without appropriate planning it can go down hill quickly.  Check out the short video below to look at setting expectations for group work.  As you watch, think about how the teacher had to plan to ensure all were prepared for this sharing activity.

During our Instructional Leadership Team Meeting, we discussed guided reading and improving student comprehension strategies.  On our blog resources (Guided Reading), Ms. Buckly posted a few videos demonstrating guided reading strategies.  The video linked below outlines strategies to support student comprehension.

How can you incorporate the strategies modeled on the two videos into your practice over the next week?  Be purposeful with your planning and even invite someone to watch and give you feedback.

Remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.

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