Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Last Week of November

Welcome back, I hope all had a relaxing break and holiday.  This week, please take time to refocus students and set strong expectations for teaching and learning.  Students have been off for five days and please expect them to need re-teaching and reminders.

Take time this week to review MAP assessment goal setting and remind students of doing their best work -- remember the goal is individual growth for each student.  All students have data folders so they are able to monitor their growth.  This week I will visit all classrooms to discuss MAP testing and to promote strong effort.  The schedule for MAP testing is available on the living calendar.  Please be mindful we will use grade level Chromebook carts to facilitate testing in the classrooms.

For PLC tomorrow, we will have MTSS meetings in room 303.  Please come prepared with updated student data -- bring a copy to leave with the MTSS team.

This week in faculty meeting we will use the Quality Work Protocol to  review a student work piece. I will provide all a copy of the protocol so that you may review it prior to the meeting.  We will push the ILT meeting to next Tuesday afternoon.

Please be mindful to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Please note on the daily announcements, I added a separate slide for morning and afternoon announcements for each day.  Dr. Mays suggested this would be easier to use.

Staffing update: 

Charlbert Robinson will begin Wednesday as our new second grade teacher.
Matthew White has accepted the security monitor position and will start December 10th.
George Houtchens has accepted the behavior coach position, but will likely not begin until after holiday break.  He is a classroom teacher so he is unable to leave until his school finds a replacement.

Let's have a great week!

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