Sunday, November 11, 2018

Strategies and Resources


Happy Veteran's Day to all our veterans, we are appreciative of your service and sacrifice!

As we move through this week, be specific in your strategy use.  Below are some strategies and key practices to think about and implement daily to support and facilitate instruction.

Marzano Strategy Foci:

Setting objectives and providing feedback -- Daily objectives are set with the presentation of the learning targets so students know what they expected to learn and be able to do within a lesson.  Student feedback comes in the form of verbal feedback, graded exit slips, returned (graded) work,and peer interaction.  The "graded exit slips" provide a linked example of an exit slip.  This is more formal than a post it note, lists the learning target, and will provide you a more purposeful way to gauge student learning.  Please use it.

Homework and Practice -- All students should receive homework and practice for skills they are learning in class.  We all know vocabulary is a deficit with many of our students, so please ensure you are purposefully providing daily interaction with vocabulary both in the classroom and as part of homework.  Students should have daily homework and feedback on accuracy immediately following -- take a few minutes to review homework the next day so students know if they are on track and performing the processes appropriately.

Setting the Stage for Success of our English Language Learners

Effect Sizes for Strategies Above

Teacher-student relationships .72
Integrated curricular programs .39
Learning Goals .68
Scaffolding .82
Concept Mapping .60
Jigsaw 1.20 
Classroom Discussions .82
Metacognitive Strategies .60
Strategies to Integrate Prior Knowledge .93

Project Based Learning Example

 Wheeler Elementary Tiny House Exhibition

Be Prepared

PLC Monday:  Review class/team data for Learning Cycle 2 -- turn in PLC sheet with data to White by end of the day.

Data Meeting Friday -- Be prepared to discuss next steps, patterns, and plans for reteaching -- meet with White and Jones (White's office).

Have a great week!  Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.

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