Monday, November 25, 2019

Thank you!


Thank you for being part of the continuous improvement process at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.  I appreciate your work, dedication and daily impact you bring to our students.  While I fully understand the challenges and needs that our students face and have, it is always crucial to stop and think of the role each adult in our building plays in the lives of students.  We teach, we encourage, we love, we set boundaries, we hug, we question, and we provide for all our students.  As a staff, we collaborate, support, disagree, challenge, and grow on this journey of educating students and ourselves.

Over these next two days, be steadfast with enforcing our high expectations for learning, goal setting, and ensuring a safe environment for all.  Remember that going home for the holiday is not celebratory for everyone, so let us be patient with one another. 

While we will not have faculty meeting Tuesday afternoon (Happy Thanksgiving), there is still expectation of collaboration in your professional learning community to share and communicate results from Friday's learning checks.  PLC minutes are still due by 9AM Wednesday morning, so please be sure to get this done.  For each grade level, be sure to turn in the assessment analysis for both reading and math, along with learning results (got it, almost got it, not yet) and a high, medium, low sample from each class.  ECE and ESL teachers are collaborating and providing input for students on their caseloads as well.  We are ALL IN to drive instruction and student learning.

Last, we have PBIS rewards on Tuesday --more to come from the PBIS committee -- watch your email.  We are having a pot luck on Tuesday -- see the email from Mrs. Mozier to sign up to bring something.

Have an awesome two student days and a Happy Thanksgiving.  I appreciate you all.

FYI...we had 117 parents join us for Thanksgiving Lunch Friday!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Diagnostic Review Week


This week we have our diagnostic review.  The review is an opportunity to have our instructional program and school culture reviewed.  The team from Cognia (formerly AdvancED) will provide us with improvement priorities that will function as high leverage strategies to move our collective work forward to increase student achievement.  I'm proud of the work we have in place and look forward to feedback to impact our future actions.  Here is the week at a glance:

    • Monday, November 18th -- Principal presentation @ Louisville Marriott East - 4:30 PM
    • Tuesday, November 19th -- Cognia team arrives by 8AM (will be housed in Mrs. Gutterman's office).
      • The team will begin walkthroughs using the ELEOT tool
      • The team will begin interviewing staff members
    • Wednesday, November 20th -- Cognia team arrives by 8AM 
      • The team will interview parents beginning at 9:30, parents arriving @ 9:15 AM
      • The team will interview students beginning at 2:00 PM (select group)
      • The team will conduct walkthroughs and interview staff members
    • Thursday, November 21st -- Cognia team arrives by 8AM 
      • The team will finish conducting interviews and walkthroughs, departing by noon
    • The team has 30 days to provide a written report to KDE and our district
    • Results at the school level are anticipated by the end of December

Please be sure your classroom is ready for instruction, student work is posted, and your daily learning targets are posted, along with success criteria.  I was told they will interview 25% of the staff, so be prepared for interviews.  They did not specify who would be interviewed.  Don't be nervous, you all know what we do, be confident in speaking on what you know.  As always, I appreciate your work and efforts at King.  Have a great week.

PLC's Tuesday -- be sure to turn in minutes by Wednesday @ 9AM
Friday -- learning checks and Thanksgiving Lunch (families invited)

Faculty Meeting Tuesday:
  • Student goal setting for MAP -- check in -- AGENDA

Here we go!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Learning Targets and Success Criteria to Scaffold Learning

King Staff,

Our mission and purpose is to ... provide rigorous and engaging instruction and remove barriers to learning so that students believe in their own ability to achieve success...  with this as our focus, consider the following as you move through this instructional week.  Homeroom, special area, ECE, and EL teachers and instructional support staff will discuss and begin goal setting with their classes.  All other staff members will discuss this and assist with students you encounter and support within your role group.  This means we are discussing goals in the cafeteria, as we pass students in the hallway, as we push in to support students in class, as we redirect following SRT, as we sign students into school, and greet or dismiss students throughout the school day.  Our students WANT our attention, as we provide it, be direct in discussing learning goals.

Our school-wide goal is to increase the number of students meeting MAP grade level benchmarks by 10%  in reading and math as evidenced by the winter MAP assessment.

From the ELEOT (walkthrough) tool, high expectations are set and evidenced by the following:

High Expectations Environment:

  • Learners strive to meet or are able to articulate the high expectations established by themselves and/or the teacher (starts with updated, clear learning targets)
  • Learners engage in activities and learning that are challenging but attainable (use of visible success criteria scaffolds learning by showing students the whole picture and how day-to-day learning fits the bigger picture of the learning standard expectation)
  • Learners demonstrate and/or are able to describe high quality work (do students clearly understand the expectation for their learning and why they are learning it)
  • Learners engage in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks that require the use higher order thinking (analyzing, applying, evaluating, synthesizing) -- Leverage writing to demonstrate learning -- have students explain their thinking and understanding by writing 
  • Learners take responsibility for and are self-directed in their learning -- Goal setting is for students to be able to understand where they are individually and where they need to grow.  The better they understand this, the faster they grow.

Advisory Council (former SBDM) meeting Monday (11/11/19) @ 4:10 PM in room 104.

Faculty Meeting Tuesday -- We will have a 90 minute meeting (previously shared), please plan accordingly -- this will be  a great time for differentiated learning as we have district resource staff for you to engage with on various topics including opportunities to respond, cultural inclusivity, classroom management strategies, and more.

Team Leader Meeting - Wednesday @ 4:00 in the library

Student Recognition Ceremony -- Friday @ 2:30 in the cafeteria -- we will recognize students for honor roll, perfect attendance, and students of the month from the first grading cycle.  If you have students who have made tremendous improvements, this is a great time to recognize as well.  We will send a letter home with students today -- parents are invited to attend.  Logistics for that day will be forthcoming.

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Setting the Stage to See Growth

Thank you for your work on Gold Day, it is always crucial to spend time learning together and preparing for student engagement and success.  This week we welcome back Haley Miller and two students from Simmons College as part of a JCPS/Simmons College partnership to increase the amount of minority teachers in our district.

As we welcome students today, please take time to set expectations for learning and behavior as well as revisit the established routines and procedures for your classrooms and all common areas.  Remember to utilize affective statements per our training on restorative practices and support one another with the use of buddy rooms.

Planning for rigorous, engaging instruction continues to be a method of bringing our mission to the desks of students.  Remember to use the Classroom Instructional Framework as a lesson frame to provide relevant context, model for students, provide time for guided practice, independent practice, and close the lesson with a formative check for understanding so you know which students met the learning target and how to proceed for the next day's lesson.  The formative check is the magic that allows you to see growth in every student each day.

Let's start and finish strong, we have 14 days until the winter MAP assessment window opens and our goal is to increase the number of students meeting grade level benchmarks by 10%.  Talk to your students about this goal and how their individual goals play a part.

Remember, there is no substitute for you, please be present each day so all students have high quality instruction each day.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you, have a great week!