Monday, December 16, 2019

Happy Holidays -- 5 Instructional Days to Break!

Team King,

Thank you all for your work and perseverance in this first half of the school year.  We have come a long way and have met our challenges head on and through our dedication, we are making progress.  There are three things we must accomplish this week and we need everyone all in to make it happen.

1.  Complete MAP assessments -- Ms. Camp and Ms. Allen have been working to complete MAP testing with all students who need make ups.  Please remember... (1)  that you can have them take the assessment in your classroom ( you all know how to pull up the testing session) and/or (2) please be sure to communicate to Ms. Camp the students you need help testing.  We expect to have 100% of our students complete the assessment and we are looking to meet our goal of 10% increase in the percentage of students meeting the grade level benchmarks in reading and math.  After all your students have completed the assessment, please review results with your class using the PowerPoint that was attached to last week's Weekly Blog Email.

2. Students will complete Learning Checks this week (Friday deadline).  Start today by letting students know this and set the goal of having it done with high quality so that we can celebrate at the end of the week.  Please make copies for students who receive accommodations and provide that to ECE and ESL teachers TODAY.  Per feedback in team leader meeting last week, this is the best way to ensure all students have their needed accommodations and accommodators have adequate time to administer assessments.  Please communicate with ECE and ESL staff with whom you share students.  Friday is also the end of the grading period, be mindful of this.

3.  Time to reflect and celebrate -- Reflecting on the winter MAP assessment, we will begin discussing strategies for analyzing data at the class level for next steps and focusing on how we use MAP to guide future instruction.  Ms. Allen will visit teams today during the first 10 minutes of planning to provide some information/resources to guide your thinking with this process.  Celebrations -- we have the following things happening this week, stay tuned for logistics:

  • Secret Santa starts today -- morning items Ho Ho Ho...only four more days to go! (after today)  Donut Holes & Coffee
  • PBIS rewards -- Thursday -- Hot chocolate and cookie decorating -- 200 dojo dollars, staff hot chocolate bar
  • Arts Integration presentation (Ms. Martin, Mr. Williams, Ms. Stivers, Ms. Johnson)
  • Thursday -- Yearlings Club -- evening holiday party -- 50 students receiving bicycles (students are not aware of this)
  • Friday -- class parties -- Texas Roadhouse (students are not aware of this) -- and staff party @ 4:30 or as soon as you get to Bambi 2701 Bardstown Road 40205 -- significant others welcome -- no kids

Monday, December 9, 2019

Next 10 Days


Thank you to all who represented their teams and role groups at our PBIS meeting Friday.  Together, we can revise our school-wide expectations for teaching, learning, and behavior to improve consistency and decrease problematic and unproductive behaviors.  We will have some new faces in the building over the next couple of weeks to support our efforts:  Kim Linkhart (supporting Ms. Coke's class), Josh Konczal and Adam (doing walk-throughs, helping to lead PBIS reboot), and Rebecca Despain (MTSS academic support - has been supporting fourth grade)-- visited PLCs last week.

Please know that we are all about supporting professional growth with all staff members and the people you see about the building and in your classrooms are in our building on purpose to help us accelerate our growth.  Our goal is to increase student achievement and accelerate all growth at King.  Be open to support, feedback, and growth.

Faculty Meeting -- Tuesday, we will discuss and review on-demand writing across grade levels (link to writing goal for CSIP).  The second grade team will present a strategy at the start of faculty meeting as well.

MAP Assessment -- As we work to complete MAP assessments, we have created a short PowerPoint for all homeroom teachers to share results at the class level.  After all students have been tested in your homeroom, use the PowerPoint to share results with students.  It is imperative to share results and have students reflect on their own growth with their individual goal sheets.  If you would like assistance when you review these results, please let us know, we are all happy to help.

Team Leader Meeting -- We will have team leader meeting this Wednesday at 4:00.  This is how we develop the PLC process -- all team leaders are expected to attend.  We will discuss PLC questions and backpack of success skills.

Staff Reminders:

  • Be sure to update learning targets daily and provide success criteria
  • Feedback is the name of the game -- how do students in your classroom know if they are meeting the learning targets and understanding the concept/process/ content being taught?
  • PLC minutes due Wednesday morning by 9AM to Lisa Perkins
  • Friday is Breakfast with Santa in the cafeteria (pictures)

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Next 15 Days


I hope all had an opportunity to relax and recharge with family and friends as well as take some time for yourself.  As we return from break, be diligent with setting expectations for learning and behavior with students for the classroom and all common areas.  Remember, setting expectations is a daily, hourly, and every transition activity.  This is true of all students; do not expect older students to "know better."  Students do well when they have specific expectations and understand the boundaries in which they must operate.  Students also excel when they know what they are expected to learn.  Stay diligent with posting daily learning targets and success criteria to scaffold student learning.

MAP Assessment --- Our school-wide goal is to increase the number of students meeting the grade level benchmark on the MAP assessment by 10%, moving from 24% to 34% in both reading and math.  This happens through our purposeful planning and supporting students with engaging instruction that is challenging but attainable.   We will begin our MAP assessments Tuesday, December 4th -- please see the schedule on the Living Calendar and be sure that all Chromebooks are charged and ready to go for Tuesday.  Please take a few minutes to review class and individual MAP goals with students prior to the assessment.

Spelling Bee --  Ms. Allen (Jammeh on email) sent out information for classroom spelling bees.  Each homeroom teacher in grades four and five should host a classroom spelling bee and send the name of your class winners to Ms. Allen by Friday, December 6th.  The school-wide spelling bee will be held December 10th and from there our school representative will be chosen.  Last year, Jersey Hill was our representative.

Faculty Meeting -- This week, we will discuss classroom libraries and have some time to work on the set up in your classroom.  All libraries should be organized by genre and Ms. Flener will provide some strategies for having students assist with the sorting of materials and using the classroom library to support instruction.  We will also briefly discuss challenges to getting student artifacts in the digital backpack so we can improve our implementation. Backpack Artifacts -- We currently have 371 students and 196 students have at least one artifact in their digital backpack. 

Restorative Practices --   On December 11th, we will have Cheng Fisher from Behavior Support to visit our school and do 10 minute classroom observations to gauge our Restorative Practices implementation thus far.  They have provided a copy of the walkthrough and look fors so there are no surprises.  This is an implementation check and the email I received will be forwarded to you for your review.

Have a great week!

Monday, November 25, 2019

Thank you!


Thank you for being part of the continuous improvement process at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.  I appreciate your work, dedication and daily impact you bring to our students.  While I fully understand the challenges and needs that our students face and have, it is always crucial to stop and think of the role each adult in our building plays in the lives of students.  We teach, we encourage, we love, we set boundaries, we hug, we question, and we provide for all our students.  As a staff, we collaborate, support, disagree, challenge, and grow on this journey of educating students and ourselves.

Over these next two days, be steadfast with enforcing our high expectations for learning, goal setting, and ensuring a safe environment for all.  Remember that going home for the holiday is not celebratory for everyone, so let us be patient with one another. 

While we will not have faculty meeting Tuesday afternoon (Happy Thanksgiving), there is still expectation of collaboration in your professional learning community to share and communicate results from Friday's learning checks.  PLC minutes are still due by 9AM Wednesday morning, so please be sure to get this done.  For each grade level, be sure to turn in the assessment analysis for both reading and math, along with learning results (got it, almost got it, not yet) and a high, medium, low sample from each class.  ECE and ESL teachers are collaborating and providing input for students on their caseloads as well.  We are ALL IN to drive instruction and student learning.

Last, we have PBIS rewards on Tuesday --more to come from the PBIS committee -- watch your email.  We are having a pot luck on Tuesday -- see the email from Mrs. Mozier to sign up to bring something.

Have an awesome two student days and a Happy Thanksgiving.  I appreciate you all.

FYI...we had 117 parents join us for Thanksgiving Lunch Friday!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Diagnostic Review Week


This week we have our diagnostic review.  The review is an opportunity to have our instructional program and school culture reviewed.  The team from Cognia (formerly AdvancED) will provide us with improvement priorities that will function as high leverage strategies to move our collective work forward to increase student achievement.  I'm proud of the work we have in place and look forward to feedback to impact our future actions.  Here is the week at a glance:

    • Monday, November 18th -- Principal presentation @ Louisville Marriott East - 4:30 PM
    • Tuesday, November 19th -- Cognia team arrives by 8AM (will be housed in Mrs. Gutterman's office).
      • The team will begin walkthroughs using the ELEOT tool
      • The team will begin interviewing staff members
    • Wednesday, November 20th -- Cognia team arrives by 8AM 
      • The team will interview parents beginning at 9:30, parents arriving @ 9:15 AM
      • The team will interview students beginning at 2:00 PM (select group)
      • The team will conduct walkthroughs and interview staff members
    • Thursday, November 21st -- Cognia team arrives by 8AM 
      • The team will finish conducting interviews and walkthroughs, departing by noon
    • The team has 30 days to provide a written report to KDE and our district
    • Results at the school level are anticipated by the end of December

Please be sure your classroom is ready for instruction, student work is posted, and your daily learning targets are posted, along with success criteria.  I was told they will interview 25% of the staff, so be prepared for interviews.  They did not specify who would be interviewed.  Don't be nervous, you all know what we do, be confident in speaking on what you know.  As always, I appreciate your work and efforts at King.  Have a great week.

PLC's Tuesday -- be sure to turn in minutes by Wednesday @ 9AM
Friday -- learning checks and Thanksgiving Lunch (families invited)

Faculty Meeting Tuesday:
  • Student goal setting for MAP -- check in -- AGENDA

Here we go!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Learning Targets and Success Criteria to Scaffold Learning

King Staff,

Our mission and purpose is to ... provide rigorous and engaging instruction and remove barriers to learning so that students believe in their own ability to achieve success...  with this as our focus, consider the following as you move through this instructional week.  Homeroom, special area, ECE, and EL teachers and instructional support staff will discuss and begin goal setting with their classes.  All other staff members will discuss this and assist with students you encounter and support within your role group.  This means we are discussing goals in the cafeteria, as we pass students in the hallway, as we push in to support students in class, as we redirect following SRT, as we sign students into school, and greet or dismiss students throughout the school day.  Our students WANT our attention, as we provide it, be direct in discussing learning goals.

Our school-wide goal is to increase the number of students meeting MAP grade level benchmarks by 10%  in reading and math as evidenced by the winter MAP assessment.

From the ELEOT (walkthrough) tool, high expectations are set and evidenced by the following:

High Expectations Environment:

  • Learners strive to meet or are able to articulate the high expectations established by themselves and/or the teacher (starts with updated, clear learning targets)
  • Learners engage in activities and learning that are challenging but attainable (use of visible success criteria scaffolds learning by showing students the whole picture and how day-to-day learning fits the bigger picture of the learning standard expectation)
  • Learners demonstrate and/or are able to describe high quality work (do students clearly understand the expectation for their learning and why they are learning it)
  • Learners engage in rigorous coursework, discussions, and/or tasks that require the use higher order thinking (analyzing, applying, evaluating, synthesizing) -- Leverage writing to demonstrate learning -- have students explain their thinking and understanding by writing 
  • Learners take responsibility for and are self-directed in their learning -- Goal setting is for students to be able to understand where they are individually and where they need to grow.  The better they understand this, the faster they grow.

Advisory Council (former SBDM) meeting Monday (11/11/19) @ 4:10 PM in room 104.

Faculty Meeting Tuesday -- We will have a 90 minute meeting (previously shared), please plan accordingly -- this will be  a great time for differentiated learning as we have district resource staff for you to engage with on various topics including opportunities to respond, cultural inclusivity, classroom management strategies, and more.

Team Leader Meeting - Wednesday @ 4:00 in the library

Student Recognition Ceremony -- Friday @ 2:30 in the cafeteria -- we will recognize students for honor roll, perfect attendance, and students of the month from the first grading cycle.  If you have students who have made tremendous improvements, this is a great time to recognize as well.  We will send a letter home with students today -- parents are invited to attend.  Logistics for that day will be forthcoming.

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a wonderful week!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Setting the Stage to See Growth

Thank you for your work on Gold Day, it is always crucial to spend time learning together and preparing for student engagement and success.  This week we welcome back Haley Miller and two students from Simmons College as part of a JCPS/Simmons College partnership to increase the amount of minority teachers in our district.

As we welcome students today, please take time to set expectations for learning and behavior as well as revisit the established routines and procedures for your classrooms and all common areas.  Remember to utilize affective statements per our training on restorative practices and support one another with the use of buddy rooms.

Planning for rigorous, engaging instruction continues to be a method of bringing our mission to the desks of students.  Remember to use the Classroom Instructional Framework as a lesson frame to provide relevant context, model for students, provide time for guided practice, independent practice, and close the lesson with a formative check for understanding so you know which students met the learning target and how to proceed for the next day's lesson.  The formative check is the magic that allows you to see growth in every student each day.

Let's start and finish strong, we have 14 days until the winter MAP assessment window opens and our goal is to increase the number of students meeting grade level benchmarks by 10%.  Talk to your students about this goal and how their individual goals play a part.

Remember, there is no substitute for you, please be present each day so all students have high quality instruction each day.

Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you, have a great week!

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Pause and Reflect


Thank you for your work and dedication to our students and one another.  I realize this has been a tough month for many and as we prepare for the upcoming week, I encourage you to take a few moments for gratitude and deep breaths to find your peace.  I am practicing this as well.

  • We know that each day requires our best selves.  The goal is for each day to be better than the day before.   This is how we manage change and growth, which leads to progress.
  • We know that each day we may face a challenge that we cannot provide an answer to in the moment.  We don't have to be perfect, just as consistent as possible.
  • We have each other and together we can achieve.
  • I know I don't thank you enough for your efforts to support our school, but please know you are greatly appreciated and I look forward to figuring out the work together, having some fun and growing our school.

No faculty meeting this week

Sunday, October 20, 2019


This week, grades three through five will begin a new model for push in partners with literacy.  Using tiered response lessons and leveraging the MAP Learning Continuum, teachers are creating lessons for reading instruction and intervention.  The push-in model will begin this Monday, October 21st.

Small Group and Individualized Instruction - Reading Support at King

  • Push-in teachers will work with small groups or individual students
  • Students are identified based on MAP data for math and Running Records and MAP data for reading.
  • Homeroom teachers create a folder for each intervention student and/or small group (small groups are NOT flexible -- students are to stay with specific push in teacher until DATA shows to exit.
  • Identify materials needed to support push-in and identify the work area in the classroom
  • Plans and materials given to push-in teacher and Dr. White by Monday morning
  • Push in support people will track student progress with the weekly progress monitoring sheet and provide a copy to the homeroom and teacher and Ms. Flener weekly.
  • If plans and materials are not ready or available, the push-in teacher will not stay.

This method of student learning and support will provide evidence of student acceleration.  The tiered response lessons act as an acceleration plan for literacy based on the current standards being taught at each grade level.  Literacy instruction is anchored with Journeys and the Jan Richardson framework for guided reading instruction.  If you have questions or concerns, see Flener, Camp, Jones, or White

Backpack Artifact Data

Students have at least one artifact in there digital backpack this year  -- 125

Number of students per grade level with at least one uploaded artifact

  • Kindergarten     27 out of 53 students have at least 1 uploaded artifact
  • 1st grade            45 of of 53 students have at least 1 uploaded artifact
  • 2nd grade          26 out of 50 students have at least 1 uploaded artifact
  • 3rd grade           2 out of 70 students have at least 1 uploaded artifact
  • 4th grade           15 out of 77 students have at least 1 uploaded artifact
  • 5th grade           17 out of 81 students have at least 1 uploaded artifact

Backpack Video -- Examples for Backpack Worthy Materials

Student Success Resilient Learner Dashboard Introduction


  • Tuesday, Faculty Meeting Agenda 10-22-2019
  • Grades due in IC by October 22nd @ 4:00 PM
  • Printed report cards due to White October 23rd @ 9AM
  • Team Leader Meeting Agenda - 11-13-2019

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pushing forward, checking our systems and updating our data

Happy Sunday,

Thank you to all who came out to represent King at the Showcase of Schools Saturday.  We had an opportunity to meet many new families and also visit with other schools and gather information.  This also reminded me that with new staff this year, I want to take ensure all know the many things that go on at King Elementary each week.  I will push out information via our Google Classroom that I ask all staff members to join.  The class code is "gohvmei."  Having a school google classroom allows us to share announcements and information and provide practice to all staff as we work on improving our digital literacy.

Data Updates

Click on this link to see the current vital signs for our school.  These are indicators we monitor to assess student progress and our collective school-wide growth needs.  Based on this information, we see that 24% of our students met the grade level benchmark as measured by the fall MAP assessment for reading and math.  Thirty-four percent of students met their growth targets as measured by the fall MAP assessment.  

As a school, our growth goal is to increase the percentage of students who are meeting grade level bench marks by 10% for the winter assessment -- meaning that we move from 24% to 34% of students meeting the grade level benchmark.  We will also increase the percentage of students meeting growth goals to 44% by the winter MAP assessment.  

Additionally, we have to prioritize both student and staff attendance to ensure students are at school to receive instruction and staff are at school to provide meaningful instruction and feedback.  Based on this data, what is your reflection and how will you adjust your practice to increase achievement?

Teaching and Learning

With intentional planning aligned to the Classroom Instructional Framework and implementing all parts of the framework with each lesson - Anticipatory set, hook, modeling (I do), guided practice (we do), and independent practice (you do) I am confident we will see immediate results.  The goal and the practice is to improve each day.  Tomorrow will be better than Friday, Tuesday better than Monday, etc.

Student Agendas -- Agendas are communication tools between home and school and have the additional feature of providing a space for students to write down the daily learning targets for each content area.  Be sure students are in the habit of doing this daily.  To make this easier for everyone, begin the routine of having students open their agendas to the current day of the week and leave them on the edge of their desk -- this prompts you to have them use it.

Learning Targets and Success Criteria --   In EVERY classroom, the daily learning target shall be posted for all subjects and directly related to lessons and activities happening in class each day.  Success criteria is used to scaffold learning and show students the learning progression.  Don't hide the information, it is not a secret -- tell students what you expect them to learn and how they will demonstrate this learning to you.

Summative Assessments - Reading and Math

This Thursday and Friday, we will take assessments for reading and math.  We aim to have a school-wide testing environment so that all students receive the appropriate accommodations for testing.  More information to come from Ms. Camp by Tuesday.


  • Faculty meeting agenda 
  • The first grading cycle ends 10/16 -- the window will open that day to begin posting grades, please be sure your grades are in Infinite Campus and updated by 10/22 -- if you have questions or concerns don't wait --ask early.
  • Check the living calendar 

Have a productive week, let me know if I can be of any assistance.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Review and Revise


Thank you for participating with Parent Teacher Conference Day, this is always an opportunity to engage with parents and set goals for student success.  Be sure to turn in your conference summary sheet and log your conferences in Infinite Campus as well.

Today, remember students have been off for five days and they will need us all to revisit expectations for learning and behavior both within the classroom and common areas.  Take the time this morning to do this and reconnect with students during your circle time.  This is also a great time to revise expectations, in collaboration with students, to better suit the needs of the classroom community.  We are in this together and we have to be a united front in setting and maintaining high expectations for all.

This week we welcome Kristen Allen (Jammeh on email) to King Elementary.  She is our new gifted and talented resource teacher/magnet coordinator, replacing Jenny Stith (room 312).  Also Allana Thompkins will join us as part-time library clerk.  Please seek them out and introduce yourself and give them a positive welcome to King.

Remember to utilize the Classroom Instructional Framework in your lessons with students and have your lesson plans available on your desk for review during walkthroughs.  Update your learning targets and success criteria for students and refer to them often during instruction.  Last, please send home family MAP reports for students who did not have a family member attend conferences in person.

Coming Up:

  • Team leader meeting today after school from 4-5PM in the library
  • Fourth grade ECHO camping trip Thursday and Friday
  • Mrs. French-Coles will meet with teams during planning Friday to discuss Gifted & Talented identification
  • Showcase of Schools - Saturday, October 12th--thanks to all volunteers that have signed up
  • Be sure your grades are updated in Infinite Campus, we are nearing the end of the cycle (10/16)

Monday, September 30, 2019

Culture of High Expectations


This week, we will take a deeper dive into our instructional practices, beginning with core instruction.  In every classroom, we are using the Classroom Instructional Framework (CIF) to frame our lessons.

An updated copy of the CIF will be emailed as part of this blog so that you can save it as a word document and use/reference the document when planning lessons.

Clarity with each step in the CIF will be obvious to any staff member or peer that is visiting your classroom.  Student engagement is twofold: (1) students are actively engaged by participating with the lesson/activity and (2) students are intellectually engaged by being asked challenging questions that push them to analyze, critique, and defend their thinking.

The Lesson Frame:

  • Start of the lesson --- student writes the learning target in their agenda/set the goal for this lesson's learning
  • Anticipatory set -- teacher explains the "why" students are learning the concept or skill - makes learning relevant to students
  • Teaching and Learning -- "I do" -- teacher models the new knowledge & skills -mini lesson
  • Guided Practice -- "We do" -- students practice the new concept/skill and teacher monitors and supports -- providing immediate feedback
  • Independent practice -- "You do" -- students engage in independent practice to reinforce skills and knowledge (if you have students who need additional support, pull them into a small guided group for independent practice with your support).
  • Daily formative check -- quick, formative assessment so you know who got it and who didn't
    • Students moving to learning centers -- they are practicing the same skill/concept presented in the lesson, but participating with a hands on project (application of skill)

Don't Forget to Specifically Include:

  • Content vocabulary -- with definitions
  • Higher order questions -- write them down, so you are ready with challenging questions


Digital Backpack  --  We are up to 60 students with at least one artifact in their digital backpack of our 373 students who are enrolled at King.  If you have questions, please see resources on the teacher backpack page or consult our backpack team (Ms. Gamble, Mrs. Lamb, Mr. Handley)

SRT Calls -   We had 49 calls last week, this is down from 55 the previous week!  Hooray!!!  This is evidence of students increasing ownership and staff members setting clear expectations.  This week, take a few minutes to review your lesson plan for evidence of engagement, remind yourself of our restorative questions, set clear expectations with the morning meeting circle and encourage students to set a daily goal.  

Attendance -- We have had another week of 95 and 96% student attendance days -- please continue to encourage daily attendance.  As a staff, we are not hitting 95%, we have a short week, let's all be present.  Remember, there is not substitute for you.

This Week:

  • Monday ---NWEA representative will be at King for embedded PD -- SA in library, others in 312 -- topic is goal setting -- be prepared with your class growth report
  • Monday -- PGPs are due -- turn in to Perkins
  • Tuesday -- PLC collaborative meetings -- paper copies of minutes/products to Mrs. Perkins by 9AM Wednesday morning - no exceptions
  • Tuesday -- Faculty meeting -- bring a paper copy of a lesson plan you have taught or plan to teach this week.
  • Friday is a flexible PD day -- be sure you have 12 hours or the allotted hours needed to be off for the day -- otherwise, you need to attend PD sessions.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Great Things Continue to Happen at King!

Media Event

Wednesday, September 25th, the Coach Mack Foundation will visit King Elementary.  We have been chosen by the foundation to receive 1000 new library books and be the newest edition to Coach Mack's Corner.  Chris Mack is the coach for the University of Louisville Men's Basketball Team.  We will have a section of our library redecorated and the dedication ceremony is Wednesday beginning at 9:30 AM.  This is another exciting opportunity for our students.  We will have students from Mr. Williams' class participate with the ceremony.  If you have a U of L shirt, Wednesday is a great day to wear it!

We will have Coach Mack, his wife Christi, Dr. Pollio, other district staff and members of the media.
The article below is from their visit to Crums Lane Elementary last year.  

Professional Growth Planning (PGP)

All certified  and classified staff will submit professional growth plans by September 30, 2019.  Below is the link to the Kentucky Department of Education Website that has resources for completing your PGP.  A paper copy of your professional growth plan must be turned in on an E-2 form (certified) and a conference summary (classified), with your signature.    Please turn these in to Mrs. Perkins by end of the day September 30th.  At minimum each question below must be thoughtfully answered.  Be sure to include the baseline data/information on which your PGP is based. This will be discussed and referenced throughout the evaluation process.  You will provide a midpoint check (December) and provide final results (April) and reflection. 

For classified staff, this is the first year you will complete this formal step, but it is crucial for us all to set goals to increase our collective efficacy.

Questions to guide your reflection and planning:
  • Based upon available evidence, what do I want to change about my practices that will positively impact student learning and achievement in my classroom/role group?
  • Based upon educational research, what improvements to my instructional design process and/or classroom practice will most positively impact the targeted learning needs?
  • What do I need to learn in order to create a workable and meaningful plan for professional growth?
  • What action plan will best address my professional learning needs?
  • How will I know if/when I have accomplished my goal?  What interim markers will indicate progress along the way? 

Student Agendas

Last week students received their personal agendas.  The purpose of agendas is to build organizational skills (there are many reference pages included for students to utilize -- be sure to show these and teach students how to use them), communicate with families, and have students track learning targets, assignments, and progress (student agency).

Be sure to impress upon students the importance of keeping up with the agenda and using it as a tool.  Replacement agendas are $5.00 each.  Remember if you stress the importance, it becomes important to students.  I suggest daily responsibility points for using it each day.

Data Sharing

SRT data   -- We had 55 SRT calls last week -- Remember, SRT is the last step -- what routines/procedures need to be reinforced or adjusted to meet the needs of the class?  All need to utilize buddy rooms and team input to strategize problematic behaviors.

Walkthroughs from CCV  -- Be explicit with connecting relevance to lessons that capitalize on student funds of knowledge -- give examples and reasoning your students can connect with to anchor their learning to previous concepts and new learning.  Feedback was that students can explain "what" they are doing, but were not sure of the "why."  Why is the day's learning important and impactful.

School-Wide MAP Data -- Results to come -- all students (except 1 and EL students who were exempt) have completed testing.  Across the school this data will tell us how many students are meeting grade level benchmarks -- remember the goal is always academic proficiency.

Attendance -- We were at or above 95% each day.  This is great news and we will keep pushing to 100%.  Talk up attendance with your class, make it part of your classroom community.

Backpack Artifacts (2019-20) - total number of students with an artifact from this school year

  • Kindergarten -- 0
  • First Grade - 11
  • Second Grade -- 1 
  • Third Grade -- 1
  • Fourth Grade -- 1
  • Fifth Grade - 0

Please add backpack artifacts to your PLC discussion this week -- Incorporate artifact worthy projects in your planning and instruction.


Teacher Backpack -- Planning resources, list of standards, ideas for project based learning

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Showcasing Our School


This week we have two opportunities to showcase the great work students are doing in our classrooms and throughout the building.   Open House is an excellent chance to network with families, have students lead discussions with family members and show parents their progress thus far.  The Culture and Curriculum Visit highlights the instructional environment and practices in place to support.

Open House - Tuesday, September 17, 2019 (5:30 - 7:00 PM)

  • If you attended the back to school orientation, you will be paid to attend Open House -- all must sign in when you arrive (it will be a separate sheet).  All are expected to attend.
  • Please make sure you have a clean, presentable copy of your class schedule hanging outside your classroom door (some have evidence of wear and tear).
  • All rooms must be clutter free, clean and have current student work displayed.  Bulletin boards should be up to date with the standard or learning target posted.
  • Talk with students about what they will share with families when they visit, let them know you expect them to introduce you to their families.
  • Talking points for families should include:
    • Current units of study -- what are students working on?
    • Class dojo -- this is a great time to model how this works for students and as a communication tool -- this is how we are able to provide praise and immediate feedback to all students (individually and collectively).
    • Goals for the class this year -- what is your plan to ensure student academic success this year so that students are transition ready?

Culture and Climate Visit (CCV) -- Thursday, September 19, 2019 (9:30 - 11:00 AM)

  • This is a visit from district staff (assistant superintendent, executive administrator, resource staff) to view the following areas:
    • Six Systems review with principal (presentation) the rest is observation
    • Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports -- school wide common area and classroom expectations and implementation of Restorative Practices
    • Racial Equity, Backpack of Success Skills (conversation on student voice and choice in artifact creation, Culture of High Expectations (positive feedback and adult/student interaction, positive corrections), Instructional Frameworks, ECE (corrective action plan -- meet with Implementation Coach)
    • Your classroom doors have to remain locked and closed during the school day, so visitors will use master keys to access classrooms.
      • That said, I will need to collect some staff master keys for the visit

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  I look forward to seeing the first round of common formative assessment results at each grade level.

No faculty meeting Tuesday -- we have Open House

Have an awesome week!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Planning for and Facilitating Instruction

We are seventeen days into the school year and off to a very productive start!  Since we began our journey with professional development this summer (Restorative Practices, Accelerated Improvement Schools PD Week) and welcoming students to our building, we have seen tremendous growth in our school culture and learning environment.  Some examples of our growth include:

  • Team planning for instruction with deconstruction of learning standards and use of district curriculum maps to build unit plans
  • Use of student friendly learning targets and success criteria so students understand the roadmap or trajectory for daily and weekly learning, thus increasing student agency
  • Implementation of circles for morning meeting, afternoon reflection, setting expectations for upcoming activities, and resolving issues within the classroom based on our Restorative Practice Training
  • Implementation of PATHS social emotional learning curriculum to directly teach social skills for all students (tier 1 instruction)
  • Implementation of Class Dojo school wide and the Dojo store with the help of Mrs. Holley and Ms. Forrest's students
  • Implementation of teacher-led PLCs to drive student learning and analysis of learning results.  Ongoing training and support will be provided through monthly team leader meetings.
  • Setting routines and procedures for learning and behavior to support the workshop model and full implementation of guided reading groups for all classrooms with the help of push in partners, instructional assistants or bilingual associate instructors
  • We have assistants in K-2 and ECE SC who provide daily support for student learning and acceleration
  • We have had our first MAP implementation training to support the use of tiered response plans based on student MAP achievement data and using the Learning Continuum for differentiation
Moving forward this month, we continue to build upon our foundation to construct and maintain a culture of high expectations for providing rigorous instruction, removing barriers, and empowering students so they believe in their own power to achieve success (from our school mission).

Classroom Instructional Framework

Last week, I placed a template of the Classroom instructional Framework in all certified staff mailboxes.  The template outlines a framework from which all lessons shall derive.  You may use the template to plan your lessons explicitly or use the language of the framework within your preferred lesson template. 
  • The expectation is that you have an opening activity, anticipatory set (hook for the lesson), teaching and modeling expectations (mini-lesson, I do), facilitate guided practice for students to practice how to demonstrate the process or concept (we do), independent practice for students to demonstrate understanding (you do) and formative assessment (exit slip or check of independent work).
  • On the template, you are provided reminders that tie back to our collective commitments of engaging all students, building relevance, and using culturally relevant materials. 
  • Use of the Classroom Instructional Framework is the expectation for daily teaching and for use with evaluation observations (thus, it is in everyone's best interest to internalize use of this framework).
  • Last, preparation is key.  As we discussed and prepared materials during AIS week for classroom use, maintain the focus of having all needed materials ready for student use.  Teaching routines and procedures so that students understand their roles and can easily attain or return materials to designated locations will make your lives easier and classrooms more efficient, minimizing loss of instructional time.
As you plan and update plans this week, be purposeful with your use of the CIF and take note of how it impacts daily learning.

We will have faculty meeting this week -- we will meet as a group for about 10 minutes, then break into committees (all will have opportunity to sign up for a committee).


MAP testing continues this week; Check the Living Calendar; Be sure you have your sub folder in place (with a seating chart). 

Teachers, please turn in a hard copy of the learning checks for reading and math to Flener and Camp by September 10th.  Learning checks will be administered on September 13th.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Setting the Stage for Success

Welcome back, I hope all enjoyed the long weekend.  As we move into the month of September, it is crucial for us to have crystal clear understanding of expectations for teaching and learning.  Our task over the next month is to ensure that all understand our processes and procedures for the following:

  • Planning for and facilitating instruction
    • Implementation of the backpack of success skills and project based learning
    • Use of Classroom Instructional Framework language and workshop model
    • Please keep plan books out on your desk for viewing during walkthroughs
  • The PLC process and procedures for reviewing student work and data from assessments
    • Using data to drive instructional practices
    • Goal setting, creating acceleration plans, and progress monitoring
    • Team leaders will attend monthly meetings to support teacher-led PLC implementation
  • Grading across the school for the purposes of progress monitoring and reporting student grades
    • Deconstructing Assessment for Grading (mentioned in faculty meeting last week)
  • Consistency with behavior expectations and implementation of Restorative Practices and teaching social skills through PATHS
    • Daily implementation of morning and afternoon circles -- set goals/reflection
    • Daily PATHS instruction with help and collaboration of push in partner

As we endeavor to be clear and plain with expectations and procedures, please dig in to these processes and ask questions.  We have a lot to cover and we have no time to back track later.  More to come with this...

We will begin MAP testing this week, the schedule is here.  In your mailboxes, you have a copy of the student goal setting sheet for your reference (you will print these for your class).  This is used to assist students with setting goals PRIOR to MAP assessment.  

Have a great week!  We will NOT have faculty meeting this afternoon.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Setting Up Systems


We are off to a great start preparing students for transition readiness.  Throughout the building, staff are setting expectations for learning and behavior an improving timeliness, adhering to posted schedules.  Based on walkthroughs over the past week, the following trends were observed:

  • Learning targets were posted in classrooms and referred to during instruction
  • Students were engaged in learning activities congruent with learning targets
  • Students were practicing how to rotate through learning centers and procedures for completing independent work
  • Expectations were explicitly stated and followed with anchor charts to support student learning

For walkthroughs, we are using the ELEOT tool as we look to see how students are engaged in their learning.  In addition to look fors on this tool, we are looking to see... 
  • Standards and learning targets are posted
  • Activities are aligned to the classroom schedule
  • Success criteria is posted/evident.
Ms. Camp put a copy of Learning Target and Success Criteria exemplars in your mailboxes last Thursday that provides several exemplars of how learning targets and success criteria can be posted.

Teacher Backpack of Skills

Teacher Backpack Tour allows you to view the information provided by our district academic staff to support your instructional planning.  The video is nine minutes and provides many resources to assist you with working efficiently, thus saving time.

Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment

The MAP assessment window is open from August 26 - September 20.  This week, we will spend time reviewing student progress from spring MAP and discussing goals with students.  During the first day of AIS week, you received Transition Plans for students who attended King last year that are in your classroom.  Friday, you had a learning session with Athena from NWEA to discuss using MAP for planning and analyzing student performance.  This information also provided MAP data for students new to King (other than kindergarten).  

This week begins our student goal setting for growth.  We will use the Student Goal Setting Sheet (fall to winter) that is part of the MAP tools.  We will begin administering the MAP assessment beginning Wednesday, September 4th -- schedule to come.

Following the MAP assessment, student progress will be recorded to set acceleration goals (acceleration plan).  The cycle goes as follows:
  • Assess current reality
  • Goal setting, naming actionable steps
  • MAP assessment
  • Goal setting, naming actionable steps, acceleration plan
  • Same cycle for Winter and Spring MAP assessment

PLCs - Tuesday -- be sure to turn in Minutes/Products by 9AM Wednesday morning

We WILL have faculty meeting this week, but will NOT September 3rd.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Professional Learning Communities


Thank you for a safe and productive start to the 2019-20 school year.  We want to officially welcome our newest staff members:

Paula Forrest - ECE instructional assistant -- room 209
Kasey Coke-Murphy - 3rd grade teacher -- room 315
Michele Metcalfe - 5th grade teacher -- room 311
Alicia McBride - ECE primary resource teacher -- room 204

Please reach out and introduce yourself over the next couple of days if you haven't already.

This week, we begin our weekly PLC (professional learning community) meetings on Tuesday.  Tuesday was the staff voted day of the week for this work.    PLC minutes should be turned in to White by Wednesday morning @ 9AM, team leaders will ensure this is completed.  With PLC work, please be sure to take care of the following:

  • Reading and math SMART goals (started during AIS week) -- Add to PLC minutes
  • Reading and math groups (started these during AIS week) -- Attach list to PLC minutes
  • Ensure all students are listed and updated on your class universal profile -- Note this is complete in PLC minutes
  • Please look over the different ways to post learning targets and success criteria (examples will be in your mailbox)
  • Update reading unit plans by end of the day Friday 

This Friday we will have the first of four visits by our NWEA Consultant, Athena Hill.  She will support our school with using our MAP data to impact student learning.  You will need to bring the following with you to room 104 during your plan time (this includes Special Area teachers -- you will be given a class report to view)

  • Printed CLASS BREAKDOWN by goal report from MAP
    • Log into MAP reporting site (
    • Click View Reports
    • Click MAP Growth Reports
    • Click Class Breakdown
    • Fill in drop-down menu
    • Select by Goal button
    • Select desired subject from drop down menu
    • Click Create PDF report button
    • Download and print
  • A lesson plan you will teach within the first few weeks of school
  • A fully charged device and login/password for MAP
We will have faculty meeting Tuesday afternoon beginning at 4:00 PM in the library.  We will continue our work with compliance items and building systems of support.

Last, we will begin walkthroughs this week in all classrooms.  The following are look fors:
  • Posted standards, learning targets, and success criteria (how do students know what they are learning)
  • Posted schedules outside your classroom doors -- looking to see alignment with scheduled times and classroom activities
  • Evidence of student engagement -- (examples include --discussion, asking and answering questions, turn and talk, actively working on assignments, direct instruction, small group instruction, working in learning centers, formative assessment, etc.)
  • Student work -- what are students working on?
  • Evidence of classroom expectations, use of Class Dojo -- (posted expectations, reminders, student ownership)
Have an awesome week, reach out if you have questions.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Happy First Day of School!

Good morning,

Thank you all for being part of this great mission of educating students at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.  You are in the right place, with the right people, at the right time.  We are on a trajectory for success and our north star is ensuring every student is immersed in rigorous, engaging instruction on their path to academic proficiency.

We are ALL IN for student success!  Have a productive day.


Dr. White

****Please get in the habit of checking the Daily Updates and Living Calendar.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Logistics for the Last Six Work Days


Thank you for your work and attention to student Transition Plans.  These plans serve three purposes:  (1) They provide an opportunity for your reflection based on student growth and performance in your classroom this year; (2) Give receiving teachers crucial data and information on how to best support students; and (3) Provide parents with information as to the current progress and growth needs of their student.

Faculty Meeting Tuesday

  • We will have faculty meeting Tuesday.  We will discuss ECE Corrective Action Plan compliance, logistics for the rest of the week, and vote on a contract deviation for grading.
Grades and Report Cards
  • The purpose of the proposed contract deviation is to allow grades to be put in early so that students can receive their final report card on the last day of school.  
  • Based on Transition Plans, provide parents literacy and numeracy items to work with students over the summer (in parent friendly terms).  Be sure to choose big overarching items, for example -- learning multiplication facts, reading books at appropriate lexile levels, telling time or counting money, reading stories and retelling what the story is about, etc.  This information will go in the report card comments. 
  • If the contract deviation is approved, completed report cards are due to my by end of the day Thursday, June 6th.
Field Trips and Activities
  • Please remember that all information and procedures for field trips are still in place.  You must have a 10 to 1 ratio and unless we have had a personal discussion -- I assume you all have appropriately communicated with families and everyone involved (cafe) so you have everything you need.
Promotion Ceremonies
  • Kindergarten is Thursday, June 6, 2019 @ 10:00 AM
  • Fifth grade is Friday, June 7, 2019 @ 10:00 AM
  • The gym will be set up for ceremonies Wednesday and will remain until Friday after the fifth grade program.
End of Year Staff Celebration
  • All staff members are invited, please refer to Mrs. Windley's email and RSVP to Windley if you plan to attend so that we have accurate numbers for food. 

Staff Last Day of School
  • All should have check out sheets in your mailbox (I have classified to give out today).  On June 10th, we will begin with a whole staff meeting in library (approximately 1.5 hours) and then I will be available for checkout.
  • Be sure to clean and de-clutter your classroom, Sheldon will not sign off if this is not done.  My day ends at 4:30 on Monday and you will be required to return on June 11th if you have not checked out with me by that time.
Have a great week!

Monday, May 27, 2019

Finishing KPREP and the Next Nine Days


We are nearly finished with KPREP testing with fourth and fifth grade students testing tomorrow (see email from Ms. Jones).  We will continue our plans for a strong finish to testing and I want to thank everyone for your dedication and flexibility last week and for the upcoming week.  Tomorrow you should wear yellow or a King shirt.

Please be sure to follow all directions explicitly and contact the office (2611) if you have any questions.

Transition plans for all students are due Thursday, May 30th.  Please see Mrs. Flener, Ms. Camp, Mrs. Stith or Dr. White with questions. 

Fifth Grade Defenses of Learning -- we have ten students that need to complete their defenses and they will be scheduled for this Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday between 9:30 and 11:30.  Please let Ms. Flener know if you can participate with a panel.

As we finish the next nine instructional days, please continue to engage students in meaningful lessons and ensure learning is happening in every classroom.  Stay consistent with your expectations for learning and behavior and enjoy closing the year out with students.

We all wish our nutrition lead, Mrs. Rosie Mask, good luck with her retirement.  Her last working day at King was Friday and she should be currently enjoying a cruise.

We want to welcome Ann Margaret Gutterman to King - she is our new ECE Implementation Coach, starting with us for the 2019-20 school year, she is currently at Medora Elementary.

Have a productive week!

Monday, May 20, 2019

K-PREP Testing This Week

Thank you for all your work with students over the course of this school year.   This week, students in grades 3-5 will take K-PREP assessments and demonstrate their learning over this school year.  Please be mindful to follow the directions laid out by KDE, testing documents, and Ms. Jones.  If you have questions, call 2611 and we will work quickly to get them answered.

Student Cell Phones (grades 3-5)

  • Please collect student cell phones -- have students write their names on paper/post it so their phone is labeled.  Have students power them off and store them in a secure, locked location.  If you need any assistance with this, please let us know.    Phones will be returned at the END of the day.  This will be the daily procedure with testing.
Schedule Changes and After Testing
  • Remember to check your folder for lunch and special area times.  Special area will last for 50 minutes -- this is a change from the normal 60 minutes.  Be sure you are on time dropping off and picking up your students.
  • Lunch times have also been adjusted -- please check the schedule and be punctual.  Cafeteria tables have been labeled so that classes know where to sit.
  • After students finish their test within the testing session, they are permitted to read a book, draw, lay their heads down.  They may not work on any content specific items.
  • After the testing session is complete for the day and materials have been returned, it is school as normal.  You should continue teaching and students should continue learning.  Accommodations will still occur throughout the day, so please set expectations for quiet, quick transitions to allow all students a quiet testing environment.
Transition Plans
  • Friday, you received templates for student transition plans.  There are four different forms to support transition readiness.  Go ahead and start this process -- provide feedback or ask questions -- this is how we make these usable documents.  These are done for fifth grade students as well (K-5)
    • Student is transition ready 
    • Student is transition ready and excels in specific areas (Primary Talent Pool/AP/GT)
    • Student is Not transition ready
    • Student is Not transition ready and two or more years behind

Monday, May 13, 2019

Data Review for Transition Plans


First, I want to extend a Happy Mother's Day to all who are mothers and care for children.  I hope you all were able to celebrate with family and friends yesterday.

Last week, classes participated with learning checks and PLCs this week will focus on the analysis of data from learning checks and MAP assessments.  By Thursday, teamleaders should submit the PLC minutes and work samples from learning checks.  Additionally from all data, universal class profiles should be updated and transition plans created for students who are not considered "transition ready."

  • Transition Ready - this means students are performing at or above grade level in all content areas.  Grades from report cards support this claim, along with meeting grade level benchmarks on MAP assessments.
  • Not Transition Ready - this means students are not performing at or above grade level according to student grades and assessment scores.  MAP scores are not at or above grade level benchmarks. 
  • Tier 3 Not Transition Ready -- This is an added category we will use for our school.  Please use this label for students who are two or more grade levels behind according to their grades and assessment data.
After sorting your homeroom students, you will submit the following by May 30th, 2019
  • Transition Ready - Classroom universal profile is updated and those who are transition ready are highlighted in GREEN
  • Not Transition Ready - students are highlighted in YELLOW on the class profile and have a completed TRANSITION PLAN (one-pager - this will be provided to you next Monday).
  • Tier 3 Not Transition Ready Plan -- students will be highlighted in RED on the universal profile and have a completed Tier 3 NOT READY PLAN (again will be provided next Monday).
These items will help prepare our work for next school year.  This is a hard deadline.

General Information:
  • We will have faculty meeting this week - KPREP logistics
  • Please begin taking down content specific items in third through fifth grade classrooms, those that will be used for KPREP, and hallways frequented by third through fifth grade students. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Staff Appreciation Week


This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and I want to start by thanking everyone for being a teacher at King Elementary.  Whether you are the primary facilitator of classroom instruction, support learning in small groups, support teachers with collaboration and modeling, teach students to take care of our building, eat nutritious meals, take care of themselves, support parents or teach other staff members -- your work is greatly appreciated.

I want to thank you for choosing daily to impact the lives of students and families within our school. 

Two Weeks Until KPREP

We have two weeks until we begin KPREP testing in our building.  The window is from May 20th - 28th.  As we continue to prepare students in grades 3-5, be mindful to continue your encouragement and push for quality work.  During the next 23 days, it is crucial to maintain high expectations for learning and plan engaging learning activities for students.

MAP Growth Results

Our spring MAP results show growth across many grade levels, below is a summary:

K (reading) 37% of students met expected growth, down from 46% in winter
K (math)   54% of students met expected growth, consistent with 54% in winter

1st (reading) 35% of students met expected growth, down from 39% in winter
1st (math) 46% of students met expected growth, up from 38% in winter

2nd (reading) 25% of students met expected growth, down from 27% in winter
2nd (math) 39% of students met expected growth, down from 41% in winter

3rd (reading) 34% of students met expected growth, down from 37% in winter
3rd (math) 33% of students met expected growth, down from 41% in winter

4th (reading) 33% of students met expected growth, up from 32% in winter
4th (math) 30% of students met expected growth, up from 27% in winter

5th (reading) 47% of students met expected growth, up from 35% in winter
5th (math) 34% of students met expected growth, down from 37% in winter

Please take time to reflect on the growth and lack of growth for students in your classroom.  Our next steps forward consist of the following:

  • Using MAP results to plan for instruction for the next 23 days
  • Using MAP results to move from progress on acceleration plans to create transition plans for any students not considered "transition ready."  This is a district directive.
    • This will help us plan for students we know need additional support through the summer (can advise parents) and to purposely group students for reading and math to begin the new school year.


  • Learning checks this week
  • SBDM meeting Monday 5/6 @ 7:45AM
  • Faculty meeting Tuesday --KPREP logistics
  • Interviews (ECE Implementation Coach) will be Thursday 5/9 -- More info to come

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Backpack Artifacts and Engaging Instruction



Thank you for  a strong finish to MAP testing and your consistency with students.  As we move into May, it is crucial that we finish strong -- how we end is how we begin -- we are constantly setting expectations for a productive learning climate.  Engaging instruction is the perfect antecedent to student learning.

Backpack Artifacts:

  • Every student in our building should have at least six (6) items in their digital backpacks by end of the day Thursday, May 2, 2019 (This message was sent out two weeks ago).  Thanks to teachers who have already communicated to me that students have this minimum.
  • I strongly suggest asking Mr. Handley or 4th/5th grade teachers if they know of students that can help younger students upload artifacts if this continues to be a learning curve for you.
  • Check with special area teachers to see if students have artifacts from their classes.

MAP Learning Results:
  • Review results for your students to celebrate and discuss their progress and growth needs.  Students should update their goal setting sheets and the sheets should be scanned or photographed and uploaded as a backpack artifact for "prepared and resilient learner."
  • Newly updated in the artifact section is a place for students to describe the artifact and provide a reflection so that it is attached to the artifact.  Take advantage of this and have students reflect as they upload.
Acceleration to Transition Plans:
  • Update acceleration plans as a result of MAP growth.  The district directive from Dr. Pollio and Dr. Coleman is that students who are not 'transition ready' will have a transition readiness plan.  Essentially an acceleration plan that will move with them to the next grade level so the receiving teachers/schools have information to support their accelerated growth.  
  • I would love feedback on ways to simplify and streamline this process based on implementation on the acceleration plans we have this year.
  • Transition plans will be due by the end of the school year-- more to come on this.

Monday, April 22, 2019

PLCs and Moving Instruction Forward


This week, please continue to discuss norms for your PLCs and review the four questions that must drive every PLC:

  1. What do we expect students to learn (goals and expectations)?
  2. How will we know when they've learned it (assessment)?
  3. How will we respond when they don't learn it (intervention)?
  4. How will we respond if they already know it (advanced/gifted)?

Everything we do fits along a continuum of teaching and learning.  Think about this as you plan for instruction, measure student progress, and plan next steps with your PLC.

  • Planning for instruction:  Preparation is key - we start with the end in mind -- (PLC questions 1 & 2).  Plan instruction to engage students geared towards the end goal -- how will they be assessed, meaning how will you know they have learned the information/skills/concepts.
    • Preparation means minimal downtime -- students should be able to move from one activity to the next -- implement a timer to stay on track.
    • Teacher Clarity:  How will you scaffold the steps for students?  This creates a check list for you and students as they move towards meeting or exceeding the learning standard.  This easily lends itself to goal setting and student self-assessment, which promotes engagement and motivation.
  • Response and Intervention:  Daily formative assessment allows us to better respond to student needs.  These daily checks measure if students understood the learning target and can perform the skill or apply the concept immediately following the lesson.
    • If students are not able to apply the skill or concept (question 3), you can make an adjustment for the next day's instruction for students who fit this criteria.
    • If students are able to easily meet the expectation (question 4), how can you differentiate for students to push/elevate their learning and application.
This is all part of teaching -- the daily expectation for our profession of education.  We are not hoping students master material, we are purposefully planning and setting up the environment so that students are successful.

Thanks for your professionalism each day, have a great week!

We do have a KDE training for KPREP this Thursday from 4:15-7:15 for all who participate with KPREP.  

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Celebrating Growth and Pushing Forward


As students are taking the MAP assessment, we are seeing some good growth and are able to celebrate the accomplishments of students as they meet and exceed their growth goals.  
  • Please be sure to have students review their growth goals and goal sheets in their data folders.  Have them record their new score and reflect on their progress.  Encourage students to also see their growth in individual areas within the test as well as the overall growth.
  • Be purposeful with having students create a new goal moving forward, this reflection is part of the prepared and resilient learning characteristic and should be uploaded into students' digital backpacks.
  • As a class, how much did students grow?  What are celebrations across the class?  What are collective growth needs?  How many students met or surpassed their growth goals?

This week in PLC, you will meet as a team to review student progress and next steps following the learning check and moving forward with instruction.
  • Team leaders, please be sure to provide me the PLC minutes for your meetings tomorrow by the end of the day.  Thanks.
  • As PLCs are moving to teacher/team lead - please be mindful to set norms for the group.  Links below take you to resources to support your work.

For faculty meeting this week:
  • K-2 will meet with the backpack team leader for our area Kathleen Receveur in room 208 to discuss ideas and projects for primary grades.  Primary staff with ECE & ESL should attend.
  • 3-5 will meet in the library to discuss assessment -- intermediate staff with ECE & ESL should remain in the library.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Two Months of Growth

Welcome back, I hope everyone had a relaxing break.  As we return, this is the time to review expectations for learning, behavior, and successful transitions.  Thank you for finishing the week strong prior to spring break -- we have two months of growth to go. 

We had a climate and culture visit on March 28th and you are welcome to review the feedback here.  This is the information shared with me at the conclusion of the visit and offers opportunities for growth as well as identifies powerful practices in place.  As you read through the feedback, please reflect on your individual and team contributions to our overall school climate (feel) and culture (what we believe and project).  My reflection of the feedback is that we still have items on this list as opportunities for growth that we have discussed all year.  It is time to check things off our list and move forward as a cohesive unit with high expectations for all.  The first step is to consistently be solutions focused.  Please feel free to share your ideas and feedback.

PLCs this week will focus on results of learning checks taken last week.  Team leaders, please be sure your PLC minutes and work samples from the learning check are to me by Thursday (4/11) this week.  Based on your feedback, I want to ensure you have ample time to meet as a team and dig into learning results and next steps.  Tuesday's faculty meeting will be additional time to meet in PLCs and review student learning results.  Rachel will briefly talk with staff about sub plans and the remainder of the time will be PLC.

Please remember to view the living calendar and daily updates.

See you tomorrow.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Push Through, Set the Milestone


With five days until spring break, we need to have a strong finish to the week.  Consider this week the precursor to the next chapter for students and your leadership.  I like to tell students that when they return from spring break, they are nearly sixth graders or which ever the next grade is for them.  It's an opportunity to solicit greater responsibility and remind students that we are closing out the year and this is the final push for learning so they are prepared. 

This week we have a district visit to view our systems, classroom instruction, common area procedures, and growth since the last visit in September.  Be sure our growth is visible and palpable; we have made tremendous strides this year -- take a moment to reflect with students and teammates - our work is paying off.  Reviewing progress data for acceleration plans, growth is happening and it is a direct result of purposeful instruction and monitoring student progress.  Thank you for your diligence.

We will have faculty meeting this week, Kim Linkhart will be at King to move us forward with teacher clarity.  Be prepared by jotting down a standard and learning target you are teaching this week along with the success criteria for students to compare with meeting outcomes.

Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Remember the third grading cycle ends today and grades are due in Infinite Campus by March 29th.  

Have a great week!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

Two Week Push


We have two weeks until spring break and approximately 50 days left in this school year.  As we move forward with continuous improvement, please reflect on the following:

  • How are we utilizing professional learning communities and the PLC process to increase student learning?
  • The work of PLCs is centered around the four key questions we must ask ourselves:
    • What do we expect our students to know and be able to do?
    • How will we know if they have learned it?
    • What will we do if they have not learned it?
    • What will we do if they already know it?
  • For each student, are they on track to be transition ready?  
    • For fifth grade teachers, are students nearly ready to defend their learning?  Are they making progress towards fifth grade MAP end of the year benchmarks?
    • For students in grades K-4, are students making progress towards MAP end of the year benchmarks?  How many students in your class will be transition ready (prepared for the next grade level)?  How will we plan for targeted support with students moving forward who are not transition ready by the end of the school year?

We must continue to maximize time and be purposeful with our planning and use of daily formative assessment to drive instruction.  Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Revised Timelines:

Over the past two weeks, we have had many changes to our schedule and now we need to get back on track.  Please take time to check the living calendar and be mindful of upcoming dates.
  • PLC for 5th -- Planning for defenses
  • PLC for 2nd-4th -- Develop learning checks, update cycle maps, and writing across content
  • PLC for K/1 -- Guided reading lesson study
Next Tuesday we will have embedded PD with Jesse Matill (district reading specialist) -- move from Monday.

We will have faculty meeting this week.

Welcome to Mrs. Georgana Windley (4th grade teacher) and Mercedes Herrera (2nd grade instructional assistant).  Thanks to Ms. Blair for moving to kindergarten to cover until Mrs. Schmidt returns.

Thank you to all who participated with planning and facilitating Literacy Night!  Shout outs to Ms. Gamble, Mrs. Stith, Ms. Camp, Ms. Flener, Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Martin, Ms. Williams, Ms. Johnson, Mrs. Green, Mr. Mays, Ms. Stivers, Ms. Mundell, Ms. Miller, Ms. Vedula, Ms. Mozier, Ms. Jones, Ms. Buckley, Ms. Perkins, and Ms. Fields.  I hope I have not left anyone off this list -- I greatly appreciate all your work and dedication to our students.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Progress Monitoring


We have approximately 40 days until KPREP testing.  This week, we measure progress and celebrate student growth according to acceleration plans and learning checks.  Please continue to set learning objectives and utilize daily formative assessment to push and make adjustments to instruction.  This is the work of growing students and our professional practice.

Friday (3/8) will be our second progress monitoring check for acceleration plans.  For this check please print reports from online learning programs (iRead, Reflex, etc.) and provide progress monitoring sheet updates that show student progress with targeted support.  If you have questions or concerns, please let me know prior to Friday.

This week, we will not have faculty meeting, please come participate with Literacy Night and support our students and families.

FYI:  The third grading cycle ends March 13th and Opinion Writing Pieces are due March 15th.

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Progress is Happening


Thank you for your diligence with supporting students through strong instruction and interventions with acceleration plans.  As we continue the work, below are some leverage items to support your work (some already do these things).  If you do the following you can say with pride that you have high expectations for each of your students.  If you say, "well, the kids can't..., if only the parents...; I'm just happy they wrote something...;for them this is..., then your expectations are LOW.  We can't do low for another second.  Together, we can be great and our students will excel.

  • Nothing is more powerful than purposeful instruction and feedback.  
    • Classroom Instructional Framework planning supports the "I do, we do, you do" model.  You model, you guide, you provide time for independent practice. 
    • The daily formative check (exit slip) is crucial with each lesson.  It aligns the learning to the learning target for students.  It shows you how many students understood the lesson and took away the outcome you planned for.  This feedback allows you to plan for the next day's lesson.
    • Providing students with immediate/timely feedback helps them fix mistakes quickly and not continue to make the same mistakes for days/weeks.  This will speed up their learning.
  • Tracking progress builds motivations and allows for diagnosis of misconceptions. Just like tracking your food, weight, and exercise leads to greater personal success -- Tracking student progress towards standards, having students track their own progress, and tracking class progress leads to greater success for individual students and the class as a whole.

As always, you are surrounded by support -- if you need help, please say something.  We are growing together and our foot will not move from the gas -- we have to go and we have to build our collective efficacy.  I appreciate the work of everyone as it takes each of us.

Below is a six minute video outlining the new Showcase feature of student digital backpacks.  This is for your information -- this will become part of our work with students.

Please be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.

Instead of faculty meeting, we have Instructional Leadership Team meeting -- we will meet in room 104.

Please have learning cycle analysis and student work samples to me by Thursday, February 28th.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Updating Routines


Thank you for your work with the acceleration plans for students.  I hope you noticed, as I did, that students who are using the technology programs and receiving the interventions on a consistent basis are making gains already  Reviewing progress, I see students are gaining fact fluency, working on mastering letter sounds, improving skills using context clues, figurative language, and comprehension in addition to more individualized skills.

We have now implemented the accelerated plans and our next check will be  March 8, 2019.  Please share progress with students and help them set a goal for the next implementation check.

This week we begin a new newsletter structure for families.  They are in your mailbox on orange paper and should go home with students today.  As you review the one-pager you will notice that we are tracking two data points with parents:  Attendance and Homework Completion.  I will update weekly totals for attendance with the help of Ms. Edmerson and I need you to keep up with how many students are turning in homework daily/weekly.  I am reporting these numbers to solicit help from parents to encourage them to set the expectation for completing and turning in homework.  Please be sure to record accurate attendance each day by 9:15AM.

Staffing updates:  We currently have an instructional assistant position listed on the job site.  We did interview a candidate last week, but she declined the offer.  We are still looking to hire two, but have to get the other position posted.  Also, we had interviews scheduled for fourth grade yesterday.  One candidate was a no-show and the other received a job offer from Byck as she pulled into King yesterday.  We will press on, but if you know anyone looking -- please encourage them to apply.

Last, as we work to provide high quality instruction to all students, give yourself a time audit.  Check the following to ensure minimal loss of instructional time:

  • Are all students seated and working at 9:05?  They should be.
  • Do you use timers daily for morning work, centers, activity, transitions?  This builds consistency and greater sense of urgency for students.
  • Are you following your class schedule?  Stick to the times you have posted -- do not let reading run 30 minutes over -- this is really hard on students -- they are more comfortable in a structured environment -- they need to be able to predict what is happening next.
  • Are you prepared and ready when your push-in help arrives?  This is crucial to maintaining a strong schedule conducive to student learning.
  • Review your transitions for efficiency.  Do you use a tone, vocabulary word, music, or other signal to get students moving without you saying it?
Have a great week, I appreciate your hard work and collaboration with all staff!

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Student Progress


This week is a checkpoint for student progress.  A tool developed to support this work on a daily basis is the Student Success Dashboard available within each student's digital backpack.  Below is a short (2 minute) video explaining what this means.  This dashboard allows students to see how they are doing with achievement, attendance, and behavior metrics -- an excellent tool for student led conferences.

In the blog last week, guidance was provided for the professional development day - -please refer to that for information.  Please adhere to the following deadlines this week:

Monday 2/11/2019

  • Send home student progress reports -- printed from Infinite Campus
  • Send home Student-Led Conference Forms so parents can sign up for conferences 
  • Send home parent Comprehensive School Survey Forms -- you will receive these tomorrow.  Please hype this up with students as their ticket to the Valentine's Day classroom celebrations. If the parent has completed or completes it online have them write that in the student's agenda or send a note.
Thursday 2/14/2019
  • Send confirmation of conference times home by Thursday, February 14th.  I will put some templates in your mailbox you can use for this.
  • We will check in with implementation of the accelerated improvement plans for students -- implementation looks like a completed plan, evidence that it has started -- progress monitoring data, student work, report from technology program.

    Monday 2/18/2019
    • Please provide your conference schedule to Ms. Foster by Monday, February 18th, at 8:00 AM.

    Sunday, February 3, 2019

    What We Do and Why


    We have approximately 55 days before state assessments and about 40 days to spring MAP.  As we are working to increase student learning and achievement, let's all agree to work smarter and share strategies that work. 

    School-wide norms (these things must be tight and should be already in place)

    • All are planning with the Classroom Instructional Framework structure (please keep plan books on your desk for viewing during walk-throughs) We want to be sure provide a structured lesson that allows for modeling, guided practice, independent practice and assessment.  If all teachers base lessons on this structure it builds consistency throughout the building.  This also builds high standards for work quality and achievement. 
    • Increasing teacher clarity --  teachers are identifying the success criteria for meeting the grade level standard and sharing this criteria with students so they understand how to demonstrate their learning (introduced on Gold Day, follow up at last faculty meeting, and professional development during faculty meeting this week).  I saw great examples of this in Mrs. Holloway and Mrs. Stith's classrooms. We must give students the information they need to be successful.  It is much easier to hit a target you can see.
    • All are planning and using daily formative assessment to check student learning and make adjustments to instruction based on these results.  Daily formative assessments should be planned along with lessons - this ensures cohesion and inclusion in the lesson.  The daily formative check should measure the learning target for the day.  This quick measure provides the teacher information as to whether students understand the concept, skill, or process.  That information is used to adjust teaching for the following day to best meet the needs of the students in your classroom.  Why teach blindly when you have a wealth of data available to you?
    • At each grade level, students have been identified as part of our MAP acceleration plan and have an individualized plan to support and accelerate their growth.  We will progress monitor with students to assess their growth every two weeks.  We have to teach, provide practice, set up students with technology programs, monitor reports, and assess students to see if they are learning what you are teaching.  If we don't intervene and monitor progress - how would we know if students are learning?
    • In both reading and math, all teachers have a checklist by student by standard to keep up with who is meeting the standard and who needs more practice or additional lessons.  This is how we know who has it and who is not there yet.  This is the main thing.
    • Communicate student progress and needs to parents and provide timely feedback to students.  We must engage families in this work.  Parents have to be informed as to what students should know, do know, or need more help to know.

     Coming up soon:
    • SBDM Meeting Monday, February 4th @ 7:45 AM in room 104
    • Faculty Meeting 2/5 in library -- Teacher Clarity
    • Parent Teacher Conference forms should go home by Monday, February 11th.  PTC day is Monday, February 18th.
    • We will send home the parent Comprehensive School Survey Monday (2/11) and push to have them all returned by Thursday (2/14) -- turning it in will be their ticket to the Valentines Day Classroom Celebration.  I will also sponsor a celebration for the first primary and intermediate classes to get all forms returned.
    • Please check your professional development hours -- to be off on February 15th you must have 18 hours otherwise you should sign up for professional development sessions.  You need 24 hours to be off on the May PD day.
    • Progress reports go home February 11th, these should be printed from Infinite Campus.

    ***If you need assistance or clarity on any of the above items, please let me know.  
    ****Morning meeting will be rescheduled this week -- TBD
    *****Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates