Sunday, December 16, 2018

Five Days Left -- Finish Strong!


Dr. Pollio shared in his weekly email to principals that we all need to 'sprint to the finish.'  This is all part of finishing strong -- meaning we are coming in ready for students, prepared with engaging lessons and a positive mindset.  I'm so proud of our team and we are growing and getting better each day.  It takes every single one of us doing our best work each day to make it happen.  Our moral imperative is to guarantee each student in our building at least a year's worth of academic growth, a safe environment, a response when they are not able to meet benchmarks, and enrichment activities to enhance their learning and create authentic experiences.

Demanding A Culture of Excellence

Every year we discuss achievement, but mostly behavior and our kids and their parents and...and...and...

It's time to take inventory within ourselves and examine our beliefs, practices, and influence.  

Administrators across the district have recently participated in a book study of  Tyrone Howard's Black Male(d):  Peril and Promise in the Education of African American Males.  The book discusses the quantitative statistics of Black Males in the United States education system in reference to high drop out rates, low graduation rates, and low enrollment in post secondary education.  It also provided qualitative accounts of how Black males experience school and institutional racism that is often a large part of their experience.  With institutional racism, it may not always be overt --it is often veiled in low expectations and undertones that remind students of what they are not supposed to be able to do.

Below are a few quotes from the book that I would like us all to ponder throughout this week and measure these against our practices.

"One in eight Black men in their 20s and 30s were behind bars in 2010 and Department of Justice statisticians project that based on current demographics one in every three Black men can expect to spend time in prison, on probation, or on parole during his lifetime" (p. 11).

"Rosenthal and Jacobson's (1968) work was among the first extensive studies to suggest that teacher expectations may influence the academic performance of school-age children.  This practice, known as the Pygmalion effect, is cited as one of the reasons that many Black students in general, and Black males in particular, are disengaged from schools" (p. 25).

"The Justice Policy Institute estimates that over this 24 year period [1980-2004], for every one African American male who entered a college or university, three entered jail or prison" (p. 50).

"Even today, such staggering numbers paint a sobering reality that suggests that a young AA male who started kindergarten in the fall of 2013 has a better chance 12 years later of finding himself under the supervision of the penal system or being incarcerated than enrolling in a college or university" (p. 50).

The point is, we are professionals and it is up to all of us to demand a culture of excellence that begins with the expectations we set and hold ourselves and others accountable to reach.

Please remember to support our school through the Kroger Community Rewards
Our organization number is FH385

This week:

Monday PLCs -- MTSS
Tuesday FM -- Quality Work Protocol (writing pieces)
Running Records due December 19th
Learning Checks - Wednesday/Thursday
End of grading period 12/21

Blog readers --  Tell me who's room this is and I will buy your first beverage at the party Friday -- first 5 people to respond are winners!  Notice the posted learning targets in a dedicated space.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Two Weeks of Engaging Instruction

Student Engagement

This week, dig into student engagement.  How are you ensuring all students are with you and participating actively in each lesson?  Be purposeful to include ideas, references, or a connection to something you know is a personal interest for a student or student(s) in your class.  Please remember all students do not celebrate Christmas and to be inclusive of how holidays are celebrated in various cultures -- especially those specific to your students.  An excellent journal prompt could include how they spend the time off for winter break.

Below is a short video for a "No Opt Out" strategy.  This strategy is specific to inclusion and not allowing any student to get out or "opt out" of participation and engaging with learning.  Take note of how this teacher supports students to find the correct answers.

Tomorrow, we welcome Matthew White, new security monitor, to King!  Please be sure to introduce yourself and give him a positive welcome to our school.  We will still have the two sub security monitors (Mr. Griggs & Mr. Swearengen) with us until we dismiss for winter break.

School-Wide Behavior Reminders

Again, please be sure you do not allow students to travel without an adult or hall pass you created for your class.  Students do not need another student to escort them anywhere and no students should be sent to the office for behavior.  Remember our procedures:

  • Correct level 1 and level 2 behaviors in class (see PBIS flowchart in behavior handbook or handout)
  • Utilize your cool down area and/or buddy room partner for time outs
  • If a student displays level 3 behaviors -  call for Student Response Team (SRT) and follow up with an ABC form to document and describe behavior (hand to responding SRT member or place in Jones' mailbox).

Professional Learning Communities

  • All grade levels will work on creating learning checks for the current cycle
  • All grade levels will meet in your grade level pods, except fifth grade -- you will meet in room 303
  • 5th grade - Camp - Williams (SS) and Green (M); Flener - Holloway (R) and Williams (S)
  • 4th grade - Flener - Reading; Camp - Math -- check in S and SS
  • 3rd grade - Flener - Reading; Camp - Math -- check in S  and SS
  • 2nd grade - Flener - Reading; Camp - Math -- check in S and SS
  • 1st grade - Flener -All subjects
  • K - Camp - All subjects
  • Reminder-- Informational/Explanatory writing pieces are due this Friday, Dec. 14th.  We will analyze student writing samples using the Quality Work Protocol in faculty meeting 12/15

Faculty Meeting 12/11

  • We will work on completing the School Quality Factors as part of our district accreditation - bring your laptops.
For all our blog readers, the 10th person to high five me tomorrow can use the principal parking space Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15th person gets Thursday and Friday.  Have a great week!

Sunday, December 2, 2018

It's December Already!


Please join me in welcoming Ms. Charlbert Robinson to King, she is our new second grade teacher in room 203!  Over the next few weeks, we will add new staff members as we are returning to a fully staffed building.  Remember, it is crucial that we welcome everyone in a POSITIVE manner and ensure they understand our commitment to students and one another.

With this week's blog, I want to provide some reminders and information to support our school-wide program at this midpoint in the school year.

Morning duty begins for resource and admin staff at 8:30 AM.  This means we are in our designated area at 8:30 ready to receive students.  For other staff, duty begins at 8:40.  All students should be greeted at the door by teachers as they come up from breakfast. (We have morning meeting this Monday, so you will meet students in the gym beginning at 8:50).

Afternoon duty begins at 3:45 and at this time, staff who have a duty and are not dismissing students should be in their dismissal area to supervise students.

For dismissal, all instructional staff should have students in clean lines, voice level no higher than a level 1.  Students should be walked to their dismissal areas by their adults.  This has been too loose in the afternoon and creates an unsafe situation in the back stairwell.  Please remind students of this expectation as I am reminding you.  We must tighten ALL routines and procedures inside and out of the classroom.  If you need assistance, please let me know.

Staff Resources

King Elementary Backpack Class:  The backpack team has created a Google Classroom with resources for all staff.  They continue to update the classroom as more resources become available.  The invite was sent out previously from Mrs. Lamb, but in case you can't find it the class code is:  o3uonmn.  To gain access, go to your Google drive, click on the waffle and click on classroom.  You can then go to the + sign and click "join class."  You will then be prompted to enter the class code. 


  • If you are working on ECE referrals, please be sure to adhere to due dates for completion.  We have an improved process and additional assistance from our school psychologist (Mrs. Robinson), Dr. Mays, and Mrs. Lamb.  In the past this has been an area of struggle for us moving from "I know this student needs additional help and I don't know what to do" to a process now that is an MTSS meeting every four weeks (frequency), a universal tracking sheet (electronic version that automatically graphs the data), and you walk away with an intervention plan in collaboration with our resource staff focusing on three students at a time that you have identified.  This is how we get off the hamster wheel and move EVERY student forward.  We all have responsibility as professionals to ensure all students are achieving at least a year's worth of growth.
  • Student Response Team Calls:  If you call for SRT for a student, you must follow up with an ABC form the same day.
  • Remember to utilize your buddy rooms with teammates and others you collaborate with.  I know we have a few students who buck the system, but we must again tighten our routines and expectations as well as implement interventions and data tracking with fidelity.
  • NO STUDENTS should ever have a key to use the restroom.  Remember, we had the RR unlocked, but this was problematic and WE decided to lock them again.  Do not put yourself in a precarious situation by not following the expectations we set as a school staff.
  • Remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.

Professional Learning Communities

Be prepared with your analyzed data from learning checks.  At the conclusion of the day, I need the PLC notes and work samples from each teacher and each subject (high, med, low).

Friday we will have team data meetings to discuss learning check data.

Tuesday will be ILT meeting after school in room 104.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Last Week of November

Welcome back, I hope all had a relaxing break and holiday.  This week, please take time to refocus students and set strong expectations for teaching and learning.  Students have been off for five days and please expect them to need re-teaching and reminders.

Take time this week to review MAP assessment goal setting and remind students of doing their best work -- remember the goal is individual growth for each student.  All students have data folders so they are able to monitor their growth.  This week I will visit all classrooms to discuss MAP testing and to promote strong effort.  The schedule for MAP testing is available on the living calendar.  Please be mindful we will use grade level Chromebook carts to facilitate testing in the classrooms.

For PLC tomorrow, we will have MTSS meetings in room 303.  Please come prepared with updated student data -- bring a copy to leave with the MTSS team.

This week in faculty meeting we will use the Quality Work Protocol to  review a student work piece. I will provide all a copy of the protocol so that you may review it prior to the meeting.  We will push the ILT meeting to next Tuesday afternoon.

Please be mindful to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Please note on the daily announcements, I added a separate slide for morning and afternoon announcements for each day.  Dr. Mays suggested this would be easier to use.

Staffing update: 

Charlbert Robinson will begin Wednesday as our new second grade teacher.
Matthew White has accepted the security monitor position and will start December 10th.
George Houtchens has accepted the behavior coach position, but will likely not begin until after holiday break.  He is a classroom teacher so he is unable to leave until his school finds a replacement.

Let's have a great week!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Next Two Instructional Days


Please remember the way we end is how we begin.  Be sure students are aware and following expectations for learning and behavior.  We don't want to be sidetracked by surviving the two days as opposed to having two meaningful days of learning, including lessons on the evolution of Thanksgiving.  I forwarded an email from Sashray McCormack, our district diversity resource teacher, sharing resources for teaching about Thanksgiving and the American Indians.

PLCs -- we will have PLC on Monday 11/19 --
We will continue our guided reading lesson study with grades K-4th.  The following teachers will be modeling a lesson:  Mrs. Edeburn-Ward (K/1); Ms. Johnson (2nd); Ms. Williams (3rd); Ms. Fields (4th); and fifth grade will work on backwards planning for cycle 3.

Please check your email regarding information on the visitation and funeral for Michael Brown.

We will NOT have faculty meeting Tuesday.  I do hope we all have a restful break, full of whatever you WANT to do.  Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels for those leaving the area.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Strategies and Resources


Happy Veteran's Day to all our veterans, we are appreciative of your service and sacrifice!

As we move through this week, be specific in your strategy use.  Below are some strategies and key practices to think about and implement daily to support and facilitate instruction.

Marzano Strategy Foci:

Setting objectives and providing feedback -- Daily objectives are set with the presentation of the learning targets so students know what they expected to learn and be able to do within a lesson.  Student feedback comes in the form of verbal feedback, graded exit slips, returned (graded) work,and peer interaction.  The "graded exit slips" provide a linked example of an exit slip.  This is more formal than a post it note, lists the learning target, and will provide you a more purposeful way to gauge student learning.  Please use it.

Homework and Practice -- All students should receive homework and practice for skills they are learning in class.  We all know vocabulary is a deficit with many of our students, so please ensure you are purposefully providing daily interaction with vocabulary both in the classroom and as part of homework.  Students should have daily homework and feedback on accuracy immediately following -- take a few minutes to review homework the next day so students know if they are on track and performing the processes appropriately.

Setting the Stage for Success of our English Language Learners

Effect Sizes for Strategies Above

Teacher-student relationships .72
Integrated curricular programs .39
Learning Goals .68
Scaffolding .82
Concept Mapping .60
Jigsaw 1.20 
Classroom Discussions .82
Metacognitive Strategies .60
Strategies to Integrate Prior Knowledge .93

Project Based Learning Example

 Wheeler Elementary Tiny House Exhibition

Be Prepared

PLC Monday:  Review class/team data for Learning Cycle 2 -- turn in PLC sheet with data to White by end of the day.

Data Meeting Friday -- Be prepared to discuss next steps, patterns, and plans for reteaching -- meet with White and Jones (White's office).

Have a great week!  Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Setting the Stage for Learning

As we prepare for Gold Day, think about how you set the stage for the learning environment.  Students love to work in groups, however without appropriate planning it can go down hill quickly.  Check out the short video below to look at setting expectations for group work.  As you watch, think about how the teacher had to plan to ensure all were prepared for this sharing activity.

During our Instructional Leadership Team Meeting, we discussed guided reading and improving student comprehension strategies.  On our blog resources (Guided Reading), Ms. Buckly posted a few videos demonstrating guided reading strategies.  The video linked below outlines strategies to support student comprehension.

How can you incorporate the strategies modeled on the two videos into your practice over the next week?  Be purposeful with your planning and even invite someone to watch and give you feedback.

Remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Progress Checks

Thank you Mrs. Stith, Mrs. Perkins, Ms. Jones, Ms. Mundell, and Ms. Flener for working the Showcase of Schools and helping with set-up/tear down.  We met some new families and introduced them to the work we do at King.

MTSS Meeting Monday

Tomorrow, we have MTSS meetings in room 303.  Please be prepared with the following:
1.  The interventions you used to work with students on their progress goals
2.  The progress data tracking sheet (excel sheet) printed with with progress data and graphs (the excel sheet automatically graphs the data for you once you put it in).

Remember, the point of the meeting and MTSS process is to provide instructional interventions to students so they are able to make progress and reach grade level expectations for learning.

ILT Meeting Tuesday

Tuesday, we will have an Instructional Leadership Team Meeting in room 104 instead of faculty meeting.  All grade group and department representatives have been emailed to bring information pertaining to student progress at each grade and specific information for your role group.  See you then.  

School Routines and Procedures

Classroom doors -- Per KY state statutes all classroom doors have to remain locked and closed during the instructional day.  In light of school violence incidents, this is the new procedure.  It used to be that doors were locked, but could remain open, since doors could be closed quickly in the event of an emergency.  Again, now all classroom doors are to be locked and closed.  For those who collaborate in classrooms, I will order you a different key so you can easily enter classrooms.  This will be in effect immediately.

Student dismissal and transportation -- Homeroom teachers are to have a list of how each student goes home posted near the door in their classroom.  If the office receives a transportation change, you will receive a GREEN transportation change form delivered to your classroom prior to dismissal.  It is imperative that you check for this form.  
  • Students are to be lined up and walked downstairs to dismissal area by homeroom teachers and assistants.  Teachers should be near the front of the line to manage student behavior and ensure orderly lines from your classroom door to the dismissal area.
  • Class lines are to be on each side of the stairwell -- no students should walk down the middle of the stairs.  
  • Students should be at a voice level 1 or below.
  • Students must be walked to the bus.
These procedures are in place to ensure students get to the proper locations and home in a timely manner and so we are consistent in our practices.  In addition, if students are staying after school for activities (one-time events) a list will be provided to all staff.  If they are on a sports team or part of an after school on-going activity, they will report to practice areas.  If you are ever in doubt call the parent or the office prior to 3:00.  Remember, we are the adults, do not rely on students to get themselves to the proper dismissal location.  Our #1 job is safety.


We have many staff members that enjoy dressing up for Halloween and we allow students to dress up as well.  Adult costumes must be school appropriate. Here are the parameters, please include these on your newsletters:
  • Students may wear costumes, but may not wear masks
  • Students may not bring any type of weapons/toy weapons as part of costumes
  • Students must wear real shoes and costumes must fit dress code (coverage and lengths)

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a great week.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Taking the Pulse and Important Reminders

Making Progress

It is wonderful to see the progress students and classes are making as we move through this school year.  Classroom communities are evident in many rooms and students are learning at high levels.  As we continue to grow, we will strengthen all classroom communities, implementing PATHS with fidelity.  Staff, thank you for being risk-takers and embracing the district initiatives of the backpack of skills, racial equity, and culture and climate.  I have seen great collaboration with homeroom and special area teachers, as well as, tremendous flexibility with the changes to staff and absences without enough substitutes.  Our cafeteria and custodial staff are working hard to keep the building beautiful, in proper working order, and bringing food variety and fast service to students.  Thank you all for being professionals and putting in the time and effort to plan effective lessons, greet every student, and being an advocate for students and families.  Our office staff greatly supports the work of everyone and I am excited for the work we all are doing this year throughout the building.

Student Grades

As you are posting grades for students and reflecting on the first cycle, it is crucial that you are collaborating with ECE and ESL teachers and assistants.  Students who receive ECE and ESL services complete work in both classroom and resource room settings.  As you are compiling grades, be inclusive of the work in both settings.  At no time should an ECE or ESL student receive anything lower than a "D" or "NI" on their report card.  With the additional support they receive based on IEP and PSP goals and accommodations, students should not even get to a "D".  Be mindful that language acquisition is not a deficit, but a growth need.  Together, homeroom and ECE/ESL teachers should use data (work completion, quality, assessment, and participation) to decide grades.  If you have questions about grading or need assistance, see Jones or I.

Professional Learning Communities

Tomorrow, PLCs will discuss the trends you noticed with your students' narrative writing pieces.  As a teacher, you have already read them and provided feedback at various points as students were working on them.  PLC tomorrow is a time to discuss quality, the effectiveness of the rubric used, and next steps to assist students with writing evidenced from their performance on this assignment.  Please be sure to record PLC minutes and turn them into White by the end of the day.


This week, Dr. Pollio included the following safety reminders in his weekly address to principals.  I am putting them below for your review and adherence.

       Last month, we had the Kentucky Center for School Safety select 8 of our schools to do an assessment of our schools for safety.  We will be providing some more training around what they found, but I wanted to share with you some things that you can do immediately to address safety issues in your school.

·         There were inconsistencies in how staff addressed visitors before allowing them to enter the school.  Any staff member who is responsible for questioning a visitor through the camera/speaker should follow the script that is provided in the safety handbook, whether they feel they know the person or not.
·         There should be a complete protocol for visitors when they enter the building.  This protocol should be followed every time. This is state statute.
·         Doors were propped open in several instances around schools, often after school.  Doors must remain locked at all times.

·         Classroom doors should always be closed and locked.  This includes when students are in the classroom.  Teachers should not have their doors open during classroom instruction.  This is state statute.

Faculty Meeting

Faculty meeting this week with be a training for KPREP administration.  We have a few of these trainings each year so that we are knowledgeable and compliant with administration guidelines.

Thoughts and Prayers

Please keep Granny J and Ms. Covington in your thoughts and prayers.  Granny J lost her brother this past week and Ms. Covington lost her father.


  • Report grades are due on Infinite Campus by Tuesday, October 23rd
  • A copy of your printed report cards are due by Wednesday, October 24th to White
  • Please check the living calendar and daily updates

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Reflecting on Cycle 1

Cycle 1 ends this Wednesday, marking our completion of the first nine weeks of school.  This is a great time to ensure students have completed all work and grades are entered in Infinite Campus.  Please be sure you have the sufficient amount of grades for students as outlined in our King Elementary School Grading guidance.  When entering grades and comments, please be sure to center comments around student learning and state growth needs in a positive manner. 

For example:

  • Tasha has mastered 20 of the 100 sight words each student is expected to learn in first grade, please practice the weekly list at home.
  • Timothy is not yet reading at grade level, please be sure to sign the reading log each night after he reads for 20 minutes.
  • Christina is a leader in class, she is dependable and often asks to help other students.

The grading window will open in Infinite Campus at the end of the day on October 17th.  You will have five working days to input grades.  Please print your report cards and turn them into White by end of the day on October 24th.  Report cards will go home on October 26th.

Professional Learning Communities

Monday (10/15) - PLC will be team level planning -- Science and Social Studies.  Please remember to update any new topics/standards/skills on your grade level cycle maps for instruction document after you've planned.  Meet in grade level classes.
** Fifth grade -- S/SS planning - incorporating S/SS in reading and math for departmentalization.

Wednesday (10/17) - K-5 team planning for math cycles through January.  Please meet Ms.
Camp in 303; bring your laptop and Envision teacher guide.
**Fifth grade -- Holloway/Williams -- meet Ms. Flener in 303.

Monday (10/22) - PLC - Writing Analysis -- Please bring student narrative writing pieces and scored rubrics.  We will look at progression and review Writing Strategies Book.  Meet in 303 (Narratives were due 10/12).

***Side note for effective collaboration -- Remember to share your plans with your ECE/ESL support teachers ****

Tuesday, we have faculty meeting in the library @ 4PM -- Social Emotional Learning

Wednesday, we are hosting a Transition to Middle School fifth grade parent meeting this Wednesday, October 17th, from 6-7 PM. All fifth grade students should have received a flyer on Friday.  More are available in the office.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Gold Day and Beyond

Monday, October 8th, is Gold Day, please click on the agenda below for an overview of the day.  We will be in the library.  Please come equipped with a great attitude, your professional work ethic, and your laptop.

Gold Day Agenda

Tuesday, October 9th, is Parent Teacher Conference Day.  Our students will lead conferences among their parent, teacher, and themselves.  Please share MAP individual growth reports.  Each teacher will complete a conference summary form and return it to the office.  In addition, all conferences must be recorded in Infinite Campus as well under the "Parent Teacher Conference" tab.

Last, please update your bulletin board with student work, including the learning standard (some have already completed this) by Friday, October 12th.

Have a great week!

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Planning for Success

Effective Lesson Planning-- The Key to Success

In data meetings, we discussed the Classroom Instructional Framework as a model for lesson planning.  I will email a template to everyone to use for daily lesson plans and evaluation.  Please use this as a tool to ensure all components are included in each lesson for maximum impact.

This Monday, we have MTSS meetings in 303 during grade level plan times.  Please be prepared with the following:
  • You have identified 3 students for reading, math, and behavior.  These students may overlap, so you may have between 3 and 9 students.  
  • Each student should have an intervention sheet (attached to email) that has universal screening data, other pertinent information, and intervention information you have implemented to support students thus far.
During the meeting, you will have assistance from resource staff to gain research based strategies to support students.

Progress Reports will go home Wednesday -- see Dr. White with any questions or concerns.

Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates

Faculty Meeting Tuesday - Suicide Prevention and staff feedback

Please remember you must have 12 hours of professional development to be off this Friday, October 4th.  If you do not have 12 hours, you are required to attend professional development sessions Friday.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Checking Our Progress and Planning for Next Steps

Last week, students K-5 completed the first three week learning cycle check (common formative assessments) in addition to completing the Measures of Academic Progress (MAP).  Today in PLC you will discuss learning results with your team and make decisions about high leverage strategies to use for reteaching.  As we delve into our purposeful work with planning and assessment, understand the only wrong answer is to think our students are incapable of learning consistently at high levels.

PLCs will meet in room 303 today.  Please be prepared with the following: 

  • Your laptop
  • Your analyzed classroom data from the learning checks (math, reading, science, SS).  
  • You have a template to use to report your results (Learning Cycle Data Form) in your PLC folders - you should come to PLC with this completed
  • PLC protocol to record grade level results and next steps -- this form along with a low (not yet), medium (almost got it), high (got it)  student work sample from each subject (across the grade level) -- is to be turned into White by the end of the school day (printed copy w/ work samples)
  • ECE and ESL teachers are to turn in results based on each student on their caseload, by grade level, by standard.  I emailed you access to a document to record information this morning and it is due to White by the end of the day Tuesday to allow you time to gain appropriate info from grade level teams.
Today is picture day -- see email from Mays for the schedule.

This week is the fourth grade camping trip for ECHO, taking place Thursday and Friday.

We want to welcome Carol Cashen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School -- she will replace Felicia Duncan who recently accepted a guidance counselor position at Frayser Elementary School.  Congratulations Mrs. Duncan and welcome Carol Cashen!

Welcome Betty Phillips to our nutrition services team, she comes to us from Carter Elementary and will also start at King today.

Congratulations to Sheldon Nance -- he and his girlfriend welcomed a baby girl last week, Rhylie Rae'Shawn Nance.

Faculty Meeting will be a Google Classroom training -- learn how to make it happen.  Bring your laptops, ideas, and questions.

Student Led Conferences are coming up -- will send out information today to support the process.

Get students logged into their digital backpacks -- deadline is Wednesday.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Putting It All Together

This year has taken off quickly and I want to be sure no one is left behind.  First, our district is still working from Vision 2020, but the foci have been updated to reflect our current work and trajectory for increasing student learning.

We are operating from three  pillars that drive our work:  
1. Backpack of Skills  -- student digital portfolio that follows them from this year through 12th grade
2. Racial Equity -- commitment to racial equity for all students
3. Culture & Climate -- commitment to positive school culture conducive to learning at high levels

From these pillars, there are six systems that guide the work of schools:
1. Standards Implementation
2. Effective Use of Data
3. Instructional Planning and Practice for Deeper Learning
4. Progress Monitoring and Analysis of Student Work
5. Academic and Behavioral Support
6. Instructional Feedback and Professional Learning

As we work collectively as a staff, our focus will be on implementation of district initiatives and aligning our work at King to encompass the pillars and systems approach.  For the next six weeks, I will provide additional information on each system.  At any time, please feel free to ask questions and bring forth your ideas and strategies that work well for your classroom.  Again, this is the time to lean in to your professional development and growth.

Digital Backpack

Currently, 213 students have logged into their digital backpack and created folders.  For those who still have students who have not logged on, please use the link below to find step-by-step instructions.  I do know there are fourth and fifth grade students who are able to help younger students log in.  Some students assisted Mrs. Schmidt's class Friday and each of her students have successfully accessed their digital backpack.  We will discuss the digital backpack further at faculty meeting this week.

PLC Meetings Monday

In PLC this week, we will analyze student DRAs to determine reading groups and next steps for instruction.  Please bring your assessment binder with a hard copy of your assessments.

  • Fourth and Fifth -- DRA
  • Third - DRA and Spelling Inventory
  • K-2 -- DRA, Spelling Inventory, and Sight Word List

Faculty Meeting Tuesday

We will discuss Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) and the Digital Backpack.  Please bring your laptops.


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Setting the Stage for Student Learning

Monday will be our 18th day of school and instruction.  At this time, we should be more familiar with our students and students are becoming familiar with classroom and school-wide expectations.  As we immerse ourselves with strong instructional strategies and meaningful instruction for students, let's discuss planning resources and the function of learning targets.  As you click on links below, please remember they are linked to your JCPS Google accounts.

Today, I also emailed all homeroom, special area, ECE, and ESL teachers a coaching document, exclusive for you that you, Jones, and I will use as we all work to grow our core instructional program this school year.  This document will be used for ongoing feedback and reflection.  The first observation window opens September 15th.  Please remember your professional growth plan and Student Learning Focus (see last week's blog post) is due to me on a signed E2 by Friday, September 14th.  I will email a blank E2 for your use.  Last, I am working with our new teachers to create their professional growth plans at 4PM Monday (9/10) in room 104.  Anyone who needs assistance is invited to attend. 

Planning Resources

As we continue with planning for our three-week learning cycles and learning mastery, I want to be sure you are aware of and using the following resources to support purposeful planning.

Learning Targets

Please take time to review information pertaining to using learning targets in daily lessons.  This presentation discusses a high leverage model for creating purposeful targets to drive student learning.  Learning targets are meant to drive daily instruction and let students know what they are expected to learn in EACH lesson and how they are expected to demonstrate their learning (how you will MEASURE learning).

Sense of Urgency

I need everyone to be aware that we have no time to waste.  
  • Students should receive bell-to-bell instruction with minimal down time.  
  • Please adhere to your schedule as this allows predictability that is crucial for building routines and creating a safe space for students.
  • Every homeroom teacher should have a read-aloud book, article, poem, etc. that you incorporate into daily instruction.  Choose a higher level text/item than your grade level, exposing students to higher level items -- this is a great way to incorporate culturally diverse topics and current events.
  • Homeroom, Special Area, ECE, and ESL teachers should all collaborate to support student learning.  We have students who are learning English and who in general are learning to read. Incorporate pictures, videos, and concrete examples to help students make connections to their learning.
  • Every student at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School will gain at least a year's worth of growth this school year.
  • Engage students and parents in discussion regarding academic progress and  what students need to grow academically.  Leverage goal setting.
I can't wait to see what students are learning in your classrooms this week.  Have a productive week!  Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.

***Open House is Tuesday from 6:00-7:30 PM.  It is the expectation all will attend to meet with our families and welcome them into your classrooms***  There will be no faculty meeting.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Plans for Professional Growth

Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in your growth as a professional educator.  Our school district is undergoing a major transformation, seeking to better educate all of our students and do so in more innovative, equitable and personalized ways.  With these foci, also available are numerous opportunities to engage in your personal growth.  Through the districts collaboration with Google to create the digital backpack for students, there are opportunities for Google Level 1 and 2 Certifications.   Professional development opportunities are shared through the weekly email Friday Forward.  There are videos created by JCPS educators and others around the state on the #KentuckyGoDigital channel.  This video describes how to get Google certified.

Google Certified Educator: Designed for educators and classroom teachers who wish to demonstrate proficiency in using Google for Education tools. The Level 1 status indicates that an educator is able to successfully implement G Suite for Education into their teaching practice in order to enhance teaching and learning. The Level 2 status indicates that an educator is able to successfully integrate a wider range of Google for Education tools and other technologies in order to transform their teaching practice.

The Diversity, Equity & Poverty Department is hosting many professional development sessions, speaker series, and sponsoring book studies on various topics.  Attached is a copy of Envision Equity, their monthly newsletter that shares stories around the district, promising practices, resources, and a list of sessions they offer.

PD Central has many choices of professional development across various topics and last, lean in with reading professional books, articles, and talking with other educators.

Take advantage of any professional development using MAP results.  A very useful report when planning instruction is the Classroom Learning Continuum.  You are able to run the report for math or reading.  This report shows you where students are 'ready to learn' related to learning standards.  On the NWEA website, log in, click on 'growth reports', and then 'learning continuum'.  Any of our resource teachers, Jones, or I can assist with locating this report.

Our vision is for students to demonstrate proficiency, develop individual talents, and display leadership within the school and community.  To be prepared to meet students where they are and guarantee at least a year's worth of growth for each student, we must continue to increase our knowledge and collective efficacy to facilitate achievement.

Reflecting on your practices and creating a plan for your professional growth will provide a trajectory for your goals this year.  Resources can be found on the KDE website.  Please remember your professional growth plan is due to me by September 14th.  

Our Student Progress Goal is to implement the student digital backpack for each student, with all students having at least three entries by November 1, 2018, at least six entries by February 1, 2019, and at least 10 entries by May 1, 2019. This will be achieved through the following practices:

  • We will facilitate instruction on the attributes of the JCPS Graduate Profile (five success skills):  (1) Prepared and resilient learner, (2) globally and culturally competent citizen, (3) emerging innovator, (4) effective communicator, and (5) productive collaborator.
  • We will make clear connections for students as to how their work products will be representative of the graduate profile attributes.
  • We will collaborate with one another and outside educators to improve our collective efficacy with providing differentiated learning experiences to challenge students.
  • We will analyze student assignments and work products utilizing the Quality Work Protocol to improve our practice.
I also shared a document with everyone via Google Slides.  I ask how we can make the five success skills concrete to influence student understanding.  It is crucial we build this foundation for our school.

Please remember to check the daily updates and Living Calendar.  We will begin MAP testing Tuesday.  

Wednesday, we will have a visit from district personnel who will complete classroom walkthroughs (I do not have a copy of the instrument) and talk with staff regarding our mission and work at King.  Be prepared for visits to your classrooms.

**Please keep Mrs. Harlan in your thoughts and prayers, her father passed away over the weekend.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Getting Into School Shape

I don't know about you, but I realize I have to get back into 'school shape.'  Building stamina to work all day and navigate the hundreds of interactions you have each week with students, staff, parents, and your own friends and family has to be a concerted effort.  What plans have you made or will you make for self-care?

I appreciate how we all are starting the school year in a positive and collaborative manner.  As we continue to plan and work with all students, staff and families, remember we get what we give.  The partnerships we nurture are the ones that grow and have impact in the lives of students.

This week, please continue to implement universal screeners-- BRIGANCE and DRAs.  I will check in with each of you to assess your progress and find out if you need additional assistance.

Digital Backpack and Google

To be inclusive of our new staff, I will begin to include two of the backpack videos weekly so we all understand how the student digital backpack impacts teaching and learning.  Feel free to watch ahead, but I will include two per week on the blog.

There is also a JCPS Digital Backpack Training Channel.  The link is below...

Information on Google Level 1 Certification Cohorts

Student Movement

We will move students to balance classes and ensure students are in appropriate peer groups as outlined in our Total School Cluster Grouping model.  The plan is to start students in their new groups by Wednesday of this week.  Teachers will be provided letters to go home to parents regarding the class changes.

School Data

Based on walk throughs last week, 73% of classrooms had posted learning targets and aligned activities. Twenty percent of classrooms had learning targets consistently written in student agendas and 33% of classrooms had inconsistent implementation of learning targets written in agendas.  This is a school wide goal of 100%.  This allows all to know what's going on in classrooms, reinforces learning targets for students, and practices handwriting.  This week, let's strive for 100% implementation.

Faculty Meeting

Jr. Beta Club
Restraint and Seclusion


  • Please remember to check the living calendar and daily updates.  
  • Dr. Parks added a link to a sub plan template to the blog, please be sure you have 3 days of meaningful sub plan lessons available in your classroom in the event of an unexpected absence.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Setting a Trajectory for Success

Thank you for a great start to the school year.  Our students have entered ready to learn and our mission is provide rigorous instruction and remove barriers to learning so students believe in their own ability to achieve success. We will ground our work in this mission and ensure our students are learning each day.

There are some day-to-day consistencies that we must guarantee to ensure strong communication among staff, across classrooms, and with families.

  • Positive Contact Log -- all homeroom teachers much reach out to parents and turn in a parent contact log to me demonstrating your attempts to reach out to parents, introduce yourself, and establish a positive rapport with families.  Shout out to Mr. Wilkerson for completing his positive contact log.  These are due to Dr. White by Friday, August 24th.  You can click on the link and print the log sheet.
  • Class schedules -- All homeroom teachers and special area teachers should have posted class schedules outside their doors and all teaching staff should provide White with a copy of their schedule.  There was talk of creating a folder on Google to house and share schedules, we will work to get this up and working, but in the meantime, please comply with the above schedule requests.
  • Agenda use -- Each student has been provided with an agenda for their use.  The expectation is for all students to write the daily learning targets in their agendas per subjects (K can use printed labels for parents) and for this to be used as a communication tool between school and home.  Nightly signatures are expected from parents.
  • Daily attendance emails from Courtney Edmerson -- each day Ms. Edmerson sends the daily absence summary.  All are asked to review the list for discrepancies and if any are found to report that to her so that we have accurate daily attendance.  

From Sheldon Nance (plant operator) -- We all must break down boxes before placing them in the outside recycling bin.  Our school received a fine for not doing so in the last pickup.

Faculty Meeting Agenda (Tuesday)

  • School culture/celebrations
  • Learning discussion  (article is linked)
  • Strategy
  • The Evaluation Process (E2 signature)

Double check the duty schedule, it will fully begin Tuesday, feel free to make changes or add yourself to an area.

Please be sure to check the daily updates and living calendar each day.  Have a great week!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Welcome Back Team King!

I'm so excited for our new school year and new team members.  Please join me in welcoming the following new teachers:

Brenda Adamson       3rd grade
Jennifer Moore          4th grade
Hayley Miller            4th grade
Jessalyn Stivers         4th grade
Courtney Green         5th grade

I want to give a huge shout out to our custodial team for ensuring the building is ready for all to return:  Sheldon Nance, Angie Hopkins, and Michael Jenkins.  Thank you for making our building beautiful, we accept the shared responsibility for keeping it that way.

Thank you to all teachers and instructional assistants for teaching during the YMCA Summer Learning Loss Program:  Elizabeth Buckley, Felicia Duncan, Rachel Fields, Carolyn Flener, Amber Williams, Tara Johnson, Lonnetta Martin, Edward Newton, Jessica Schmidt, and Stacy McClain.

Last, thank you all for participating with professional development over the summer to improve your knowledge and skills in preparation for our students.  The most effective tool for student learning is an effective teacher.

We had an awesome turn out for Kindergarten Kickoff and Back to School Orientation.  Thank you for your participation.  Ms. Jones created a slide show to show the highlights for Kindergarten Kickoff.

Please keep Teri Nichols (cafeteria manager) in your thoughts and prayers, her grandmother passed away last week.

Tomorrow, we will start in the cafeteria at 9:05 AM, breakfast will be available beginning at 8:45.  The agenda is available here.  Please bring your laptops.

Duty Schedule 

Monday, June 4, 2018

Relax, Reflect, and Recharge


Thank you for being an employee at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary.  This year we have met challenges head on, embarked on new practices, and nurtured our environment so that it is conducive to learning.  I appreciate your dedication to our students and your willingness to be the change.  WE are on the way to great things and I thank those of you who will continue our journey next year.

Thank you to teachers who are working the YMCA Summer Learning Loss Program and other district programs you may participate in over the summer.  Learning cannot continue without you, thanks for your commitment.

Over the break, please take time to relax, reflect, and recharge your superhero abilities.  We are tremendous contributors to the lives of our students.  We have the power and influence to challenge our students to greatness and support their growth daily in our classrooms and school building.  Our attitudes are contagious and we want our students to catch the positives they need to be successful.

During the break, I will send out information as it becomes available regarding district news and information pertaining to King.  Please take advantage of district professional development opportunities throughout the summer (everyone needs a minimum 24 hours). We will have PD sessions at King on August 1st, 2nd, and 7th. (more info to come). 

As a reminder, I will send out the staff handbook and compliance items prior to your return to school so that we can have more time to collaborate on the first two teacher days.

Enjoy your summer break.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Finish Strong

The Next Three Days

We made it!! We have three instructional days and celebrations to share with students, families, and one another.  Thank you for staying focused, holding students to high expectations for learning and behavior, and taking time to celebrate the hard work of students this year.

The grading window is open in Infinite Campus, please remember student report cards go home on the last day of school.  Kindergarten teachers may put the report card in the envelope with promotion materials. If you have students absent on the last day, please bring their report cards to the office with you when you check out.  Fifth grade report cards should go into the envelope with promotion certificates.

Awards Ceremonies

I sent you all an email reminder about award ceremonies this week.  Tomorrow (Tuesday) we will have awards ceremonies for grades 1-4 in the gym.  Chairs and the podium will be set up and parents are invited to attend.  All parents will sign in to the office, attend ceremonies, and exit from the gym.  Parents will not be permitted to walk through the building, but we will have staff on hand in the gym in case parents wish to sign out their student early.  Teachers will run the show, an administrator will be present to greet students and families at the start of each ceremony.  If you need additional certificates, they are available in the conference room.  The schedule is here.  Wednesday we will have kindergarten promotion starting at 10 AM.  Thursday, we will have fifth grade promotion starting at 10 AM.

Fifth Grade Luncheon

Tomorrow, all fifth grade students will have a catered lunch in the cafeteria beginning at 12:45.  The food should be delivered by 12:30.  We will have an area of the cafeteria set up, students do not have to sit by class.

Preparing to Check Out

Last week, I put a furniture inventory and check out sheet in your mailboxes.  Certified teachers, please note, one of your requirements is an E-2 with your reflection and results from your professional growth plan.

Lesson Plans -- If you complete lesson plans electronically, you can submit it to me printed, on a flash drive, or share via Google Docs. 

Staff Meetings

We will NOT have a faculty meeting tomorrow 5/29 after school.
  • June 1, 2018 -- We will meet in the library at 9:05 -- we will be engaged until lunchtime.  Lunch will be provided.  Agenda is attached, click on the date.
  • June 4, 2018 -- We will meet in the library at 9:05.  We will celebrate retirees on this day.

Please be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates.  Have a great week!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Sprint through the finish line

The Next 8 Days

Over the next eight days, student engagement and meaningful instruction should still be at the forefront.  Students are excited, but the year is not over.  Student engagement in learning activities will create and maintain normalcy that supports a productive environment.  

This week we will have our last MTSS meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to look at end of year academic and behavior data and make note of students who we are still concerned about.  We will also check on the status of students who were referred this year for Special Education Services.  Please make sure your data charts are updated before this meeting.

SRT Calls

Please review expectations for learning and behavior with students.  We have had a drastic increase in SRT calls over the past two weeks.  Remember to utilize your teammates and buddy rooms to give students and yourself a break.

Backpack Series - Video #8 -- Student Exhibitions 

These videos are meant to provide information as we embark on a backpack of skills for every student in JCPS.  As we work to define what King students will know and be able to demonstrate, we can use the videos as a reference and to support our work with students.

Student Awards and Recognition

Tuesday, May 29th will be awards day for students in grades 1-4.  The times for each grade level are available here.

Updates and Reminders

Be sure to check the living calendar and daily updates

Monday, May 14, 2018

Twelve Days of Instruction


Thank you for your preparedness and diligence during our state assessments.  You have been supportive, efficient, and compliant with testing procedures while encouraging our students.  Please keep up the momentum, we have have three more days until testing is complete.  That said, our KDE observers will be with us until Wednesday.

As we move closer to the end of the school year, please keep instruction in the forefront of your classroom routines and procedures.  Twelve instructional days are twelve days to improve student achievement and prepare students for the next school year.  I always say the way we end is how we begin, so be sure to hold students accountable to expectations for learning and behavior.

Site-Based Decision Making

Congratulations to our new teacher representatives for SBDM:  Alyson Lamb, Mark Mina, and Amber Williams.  I also want to thank Ms. Vedula for running for an SBDM position.  I am excited by your leadership and willingness to support our planning processes for the next two school years.

We will NOT have faculty meeting this week.

During PLCs this week, we will begin the process of reviewing feeder cards and referring to our rubric to cluster students in classrooms for next school year.


  • Check the daily updates and living calendar
  • May 22nd is a professional development day, be sure you have your 24 hours of required professional development.  Check PD Central to be sure.
  • May 29th will be awards day for grades 1-4, award certificates will be available to teams next Wednesday.
  • Homeroom teachers, please see Ms. Edmerson for writing folders if you have not already.

Have a great week!

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Seventeen and Three

Happy Staff Appreciation Week!  Thank you so much for working at Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School.  I say all the time, there is no substitute for you.  The administrative staff greatly appreciate your commitment to student achievement and creating a culture of learning and growth.  Thank you for being assertive, demanding, patient, and productive when working with students, families and one another.  I love our staff and appreciate all you do to support our students.

I read editorials in the Courier Journal today.  The first was written by a kindergarten teacher at Maupin Elementary, Jenna Fracasso, entitled Struggling Schools Can't Thrive if Experienced Teachers Bail.  She discussed the challenges of working in a priority school among students with great need and a transient teacher population.   She went on to say that her teacher prep program did not provide experiences to prepare her for her first two teaching jobs -- a charter school that closed at the end of her first year and now Maupin.  Jenna's point was that she loves the kids she works with and is committed to their learning.  She wants to spread the message that experienced teachers are needed at our toughest schools to support the achievement and development of our most vulnerable students.

A second editorial was written by Latascha Craig, We Must Help our Hurting Kids, Meet Their Needs to Fix Schools.  Craig is the family resource coordinator for Foster Traditional Academy.  In her article, she discusses childhood trauma, mental illness, and adverse conditions that affect student learning and growth.  She offered the following:
Because children are born with an instinct to survive, they often find ways to adapt to traumatic experiences in an effort to live.  However, the absence of parental guidance in the form of limitless love, support and structure is almost as damning as the effects of physical, sexual, emotional abuse and social and educational neglect.

The social nurturing that our children receive from us as adults is how we equip them for survival and achievement in all areas of development.  This is greater than one parent's responsibility can reach.  It will  always require a village to ensure that our children receive all that they need to become who they are purposed to be in this life.  Even in the midst of traumatic experiences, we can nurture them in a way that helps them to not only survive the effects, but negate their lasting impacts.

I offer these two articles as a testament to perseverance as all our students need the commitment, high expectations, and strong work ethic of effective school staff.  Secondly, as models for leading where you are.  The two articles are from JCPS employees who are dedicated to student success and show up daily to do the work.  We have a strong team at King and our commitment to continuous growth will drive our mission to provide rigorous, engaging instruction and remove barriers to learning, so students believe in their own ability to achieve success.

K-PREP Testing

  • We begin testing on Thursday morning.  Schedules will be available to you at faculty meeting Tuesday.
  • Please continue working with students, preparing them to do their best work.
  • I will meet with classes this week to discuss testing with students on Monday and Tuesday
  • Please do not mention anything to students regarding erasure marks.  We want their focus to be on doing their best work.  I will discuss with students that visitors will be in our building during the five days of testing.

Please congratulate Sheldon Nance who accepted the plant operator position at King!

Notes and Reminders

  • Ms. Jones is unavailable moving forward as she coordinates K-PREP testing.  If you need anything, see me, Harlan, Mays, or Parks.
  • Provide ACTIVE supervision in classrooms, common areas, and during arrival and dismissal.
  • Monday during planning times, Sandy Yates (district PBIS lead) to provide information regarding Restorative Practices.  Our SBDM has submitted an application to receive training for implementing restorative practices for the 2019-20 school year.  Her overview is a step in our application process.  Your active participation is appreciated.  
  • Be sure to check your PD hours for the upcoming flexible PD day 5/22 -- you need 24 hours to have the day off.
  • Check the living calendar and daily updates

Monday, April 30, 2018

Twenty-One and Seven

Team King,

I read an article in the Courier Journal yesterday written by education researchers Kannapel and Belin from the Prichard Committee.  They researched schools in Kentucky and identified eight schools in 2005 that had transformed from chronically low performing to high performing schools.  In their findings they reported three key items that made the difference:

  • The principal and staff had ongoing, honest conversation about their low performing status and engaged in collaborative, intensive self study to support improvement.
  • Schools were led by collaborative principals and the staff collaboratively addressed problems
  • School climate was the single most distinguishing feature -- impacted most by high expectations for everyone (not just students).
Moving forward, they suggested the following four promising practices to eliminate chronically low performing schools:
  • Learn from and build upon success
  • Support school-led efforts -- we must have staff, parent, and student buy-in
  • Engage the students in change efforts
  • Focus on climate

At Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary, we are having conversations around our school data and low performing status.  Professional learning communities provide the collaborative framework to discuss our performance and growth needs.  Utilizing MAP testing is assisting us with uncovering what our students know and how to plan to best support their learning and growth.  We have been working to change and grow our learning culture for adults, parents, and students.   We must continue this collaborative work.  WE are on the path and I encourage you all to trust the process as we challenge ourselves to do purposeful work and engage our students in meaningful instruction.  I thank you for your commitment to King and your work for students.  I challenge us to think about our progress, celebrate, and begin to plan next steps for individual and collective growth in our processes and expectations for learning.  WE will be successful!

Notes and Reminders

  • Student progress reports go home today in Monday folders
  • Ms. Jones is unavailable moving forward as she coordinates K-PREP testing.  If you need anything, see me, Harlan, Mays, or Parks.
  • Provide ACTIVE supervision in classrooms, common areas, and during arrival and dismissal.
  • Tuesday, we will have a faculty meeting -- reviewing items and the schedule for K-PREP
  • Thursday -- PLCs will be on grade level teams --discussing student progress and learning results.
  • Be sure to check your PD hours for the upcoming flexible PD day Friday -- you need 18 hours to have the day off.
  • Check the living calendar and daily updates

Monday, April 23, 2018

Twenty Six and Twelve

With 26 instructional days left with students and 12 instructional days until K-PREP testing for students in grades 3-5, please continue to push instruction.  Students should be reminded or taught test taking strategies to support their efforts.

Check to be sure you have calculators for each student in your classroom, this is a great time to practice calculator use -- be sure all students know how to use them.  Fifth grade teachers, please check the number of dictionary and thesauri you have available in your classroom, students should also be adept at using these tools.

MAP Assessment Begins This  Week

Classroom teachers and resource staff will proctor testing, the schedule can be found here.  Since we are using Chromebooks, please plan according for daily instruction as all Chromebooks will be in use during testing times.  Please take time to review previous results with students and remind them of the importance of MAP and giving their best effort.

Faculty Meeting --K-PREP information and training

PLC --  Lesson Analysis forms and discussion Topic Assessment

K-PREP Assessments -- Thursday 5/10/18 – Wednesday  5/16/18

JCPS Student Backpack Video Series #7

School Lunch Hero Week 4/23-4/27

This week cafeteria staff are being recognized across the district.  Please take time to thank our nutrition staff for supporting our students and preparing daily nutritious meals.

Shout out to Mrs. Martin and Ms. Williams for planning a wonderful Mother/Son & Father/Daughter Dance.  Families had a great time and it was a beautiful event.  Thank you to all volunteers who helped set up, clean up, take tickets, serve food, park cars, and chaperone.

Professional Development Reminder:  Please be mindful to check you professional development hours -- there are PD days on May 4th and May 22nd.  You need to have 18 hours to be off on May 4th and 24 hours to be off on May 22nd. You are required to have 24 hours completed each school year.

Please check the living calendar and daily updates

Monday, April 16, 2018

Data Reviews and Next Steps

Data meetings with each teacher are in progress.  I met with several teachers last week to review classroom level data and the work will continue this week.  This work is important so that we know how our students are progressing and we are able to be purposeful with planning next steps.  We have 31 student days of school left and approximately 17 days until our annual K-PREP testing.  We have added additional support to 3rd-5th grade classes with Special Area teachers and assistants from K and 1.  As always, it is imperative that remaining instructional days are used to hone skills, practice calculator use, and improve upon reading stamina and test taking strategies.

Please be mindful that student progress reports will go home Monday, April 30, 2018.

Backpack of Skills - video series # 6

This past week in principal meeting, we received more information on the JCPS student backpack of skills and I will share this information with you as we move forward over the next few weeks.  Please view the video below, which is part of the backpack video series.

Mayor's Give-A-Day Week

This week we will have students participating with clearing out flower beds on the back patio, front planters, and sign area preparing these spaces for planting flowers and beautification.  Our fourth grade students are doing this work as part of  ECHO as a community service project.  Additionally, students are encouraged to do something nice, provide a service to someone in the building or in their community.

Faculty Meeting this week 

Dr. Marks-John will return to provide our next social-emotional learning module.

PLCs this week

Check in --student progress on current Envision topic -- and planning next steps (room 104)

MAP testing begins next week

Thank you for providing feedback to the resource team regarding MAP testing.  For this round, we will mostly use Chromebooks to test students in classrooms.  Classroom teachers and resource staff will proctor testing, the schedule can be found here.  Since we are using Chromebooks, please plan according for daily instruction as all Chromebooks will be in use during testing times.  Please take time to review previous results with students and remind them of the importance of MAP and giving their best effort.

Have a great week, please be mindful to check you professional development hours -- there are PD days on May 4th and May 22nd.  You need to have 18 hours to be off on May 4th and 24 hours to be off on May 2nd. You are required to have 24 hours completed each school year.